Did You Get an Email That Says You’ve Been Hacked?

Example of a spam email



There are a few of these emails that are going around very similar to this here and what you’re going to find is they don’t have your email or password. That is a lie. What they do have is a password to an account that you’ve used on a website in the past.

This could be any sort of website you signed up for. A newsletter or anything like that. Websites get hacked. Companies get hacked. It’s inevitable that sometime in the future a big company or a small company that you know will get hacked. Dropbox has been hacked. Sony has been hacked. eBay has been hacked. Huge companies get hacked. Small companies get hacked. 

Check if your email or phone is in a data breach!

What hackers are preying on is you don’t change passwords. If you don’t change passwords and you get an email that has your password, like the one below, you freak out. In this email, the hacker continues on to explain that he put a malicious code in your operating system and that you’re a disgusting person. The emails then go onto say that they have all your contacts and they’re going to spread that around everywhere and make you feel like an idiot.

Example of a spam email

Websites Get Hacked, Companies Get Hacked

Make sure that you change your password regularly so that when you get an email like that, you know that it’s a password that you used two years ago and you can just ignore it. If you don’t change your password regularly and you get one of these emails, you might stress out and you might contact your IT company but they will just tell you the same thing: ignore it and change your password regularly.

Do you want to know if your account or domain has been compromised? Schedule a dark web assessment. 

When You Get an Email From a Hacker

If you do get an email like that, hackers must have genuinely gotten a password from a website that you have signed up for in the past. It’s very unlikely that they’ve gotten access to your computer or to your contact list.

Hopefully, it’s very unlikely that you’re going to send them $105 in bitcoin for your data. Don’t fall into the trap. Change your password regularly so you’d know this is just a bogus email.


Use a password manager, don’t tell other people your passwords, and don’t sign up for the shit that you don’t need. If you’d like to know more information about keeping your password secure, let us know. 


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