The Best Free Source of Useful Content for Your Website

The Best Free Source of Content for Your Business When You're Time-Poor

How to Get Website Traffic for Free

Do you own a business? Do you have a website for your business? If you answered yes to both, let’s talk about driving more income to your bottom line by creating original content. You won’t need AdWords because with good content, you can get 160,000 impressions and have over a thousand clicks for free. Read the article or listen to the podcast!


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More Content Is Better

If you’re putting more and more content up onto your website, you’re going to be getting more traffic to your website. There are lots of reasons for that and everyone’s heard of that. Everyone knows that content is king. Everyone agrees.

So why don’t we put the content up? We’ve got all these opportunities to do it and we know that it’s going to make our business better, but we don’t. And the main reason is we’re all time-poor.

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How Much Content Is Enough?

It depends on the industry and how flooded it is. At least one blog a month would be the minimum. Our company has five blogs a week going out.

But it all comes down to how fast you want the traction to come on. If you know that Google is going to take six months to notice any new content you put up there, the more content, the better is the short answer. Now, that’s for Google. For Facebook, not so much.

The Best Free Source of Content for Your Business When You're Time-Poor

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How Long Should Each Article Be?

Each article should be 750 words long or so with two long-tail keywords within that article.

Google doesn’t give answers to any of their algorithms. It’s just you know, best guess, you know, they don’t sort of say this is what you should be doing.

If you’re selling shoes and someone’s searching in Google for shoes, that would not be a long-tail keyword and they might find a shoe repairer or they might find shoe soles or they might find something that is absolutely unrelated such as the shoe fly device, which spins around on top of your food at an Australian barbecue and stops the flyers hanging out. So ‘shoe’ is not a long-tail keyword.

If someone searched for ‘black shoe’, then that’d be getting better. If someone searches for ‘Australian black shoe with white trimming’ or ‘beautiful perla red shoes’, then that would be a long-tail keyword, which means it’s less competitive. People are less likely to search for that and when they find it, it is very, very geared to exactly what they’re searching for.

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How to Have More Content When There’s So Little Time

You can overcome some of those time objectives and speed up the process. Here are a few different tools that will allow you to make content for your site that is really, really geared into exactly what your customers are looking for. 

Have you had Campbell’s soup? Most of us and we could agree that this brand has created 1700 ads that were very, very cleverly targeted to the people they knew were going to be eating them in Australia. They didn’t start talking about bears in Russian taxis. If that wasn’t going to be what people in Australia were looking for.

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Knowing What Your Customers Are Looking For 

Do you know what your customers are looking for? You know what they want, but do they know what they want? You don’t know what you don’t know until you know it, you know?

You can use AdWords and have good key phrases, high hitting ones, ones that 50% of your visitors use to search for products or services online. The cost per click can probably be eighty cents to a dollar. Now, what if I tell you that you can get 160,000 impressions and have over a thousand clicks for free? That would be nice, right?

By having a really well thought out content creation strategy, you can do that and these numbers are backed. Your website can go from zero hits to 160,000 impressions and over a thousand clicks a month in six months without having to pay for AdWords. Your business won’t be the same as Campbell soup and we won’t all be selling the same thing.

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AdWords vs. Organic Traffic

One of the big things that you need to make sure you understand is AdWords is like a tap. You turn it on and off. It stops when you turn it off. Organic traffic is not like that at all. 

Organic traffic will just continue to flow through. It’s like you’ve created a leak in this dam and it’s just gonna continue to flow through. It’s not turning the water on and off, but it takes a long time for Google to see what you’ve created, understand what you’ve created and really build out from that.

Best Free Source of Content for Your Website

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How to Know What Your Customers Want

How do you know what your customers want? How do you know what they’re searching for?

If you’ve been in business for more than a couple of years, you’ve heard questions that your customers are asking you and if you started jotting down those same questions that people are asking, you can start creating content around those questions because they’re not just asking you. They’re also asking Google and they’re not just the ones who are asking Google. Aside from your customers, your new leads and prospects are also asking Google those same questions. 

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Don’t Know What Your Customers Are Asking?

And if you’ve just started out in business and you don’t know a question that a customer could ask, you can use Answer the Public. Write what you do, your business or your profession and it’ll come up with a bunch of different things that are searched for your profession or business. It lets you find out what people are searching for or just have a few months of organic traffic where you can then see what people are searching for as you’ve pointed out here, and then gear your content around that.

On Google, you can write in the same thing and then it will automatically fill in a bunch of different terms. And you could use that as different ways to work out questions to create articles around. But it comes down to obviously the business and what resonates with you. 

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Do You Use Remarketing?

So in our business we, we have AdWords and we use remarketing. 

We found for ourself internally it didn’t work well enough for us. We’re in a business-to-business (B2B) space, and we found out that AdWords didn’t quite hit the nail on the head for us. For business-to-consumer (B2C), AdWords is fantastic. Facebook is fantastic for B2C businesses, but for B2B businesses, LinkedIn works better. 

Using any of the different mediums for remarketing but having a fantastic, engaging content will also lower the price of your AdWords because they look and they go, ‘the quality score of your site is more relevant, therefore we want them to be the top result in Google.’ So you’ll end up paying less, which is great. So your 80 cents per click drops down to a lower rate to start off with. But it also means that from a remarketing perspective, you can drop that down even further. 

Campbell’s geared exactly the words that people were searching for and created 1700 ads that they knew people are already searching for, they’re already somewhat engaged with, and then they created these ads that seem hyper-relevant.

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If you have all these questions that you know your customers are already asking, you’re able to use those questions, create content around the questions and answer the questions. We’re already answering our customers when they ask us a question but we’re just not writing them down. 

Best Free Source of Content for Your Website

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When you do that and you create the answers, it does a few things. First, it shows exactly the type of person that you are. 

If you’re someone who is not as much of a Laracon, then your message will not be received well by people who don’t receive well from that sort of persona. So you know that the people who are listening to your message are also the type of people who are already resonating with that message. It means that the content you’re creating is geared exactly towards the customers that you already have, already interested in that message, that are passing that through now. 

Now, you know some places that you can get questions from, whether it be Answer the Public or being able to just know the questions that people have been asking you. When you’ve finished writing down the questions people were asking, you’ll go ‘Geez, I’ve got this huge list of content that I can create.’ And you don’t have to create just one article. Create multiple articles around that and you can use different tools to make sure they’re keyword optimised. 


This article is based on a special podcast episode that features Joshua Lewis’s presentation on content curation for the Griffith University Entrepreneurship Seminar Series. Joshua automates things. He goes into businesses and makes sure they’re running as best as they possibly can through putting in processes and procedures that ultimately drive more income to their bottom line.

If you want to learn more about automation or content curation, get in touch with Joshua! Fill out the form below to get a callback.


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