How to Create Your Own Podcast


How to Have Your Own PodcastPodcast and Copyright | Dorks Delivered in Brisbane QLD

So you’ve been listening to my content for a while and you’ve decided, you know what, let’s do it, let’s create my own podcast. That’s the question that we’re going to be answering today. A number of people have asked us this and we’re going to dive straight in now.

Where to Start in Creating Your Podcast?

So there are lots of different things that come into creating a podcast. You obviously need microphones, content, someone to host the files, an audience to listen to it and maybe a few editing skills. All around you need to make sure that you’re passionate about whatever it is that you’re creating the podcast about.

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What We Use in Making a Podcast

So I’m going to go through on a high level of all the tools that we use and then I’m going to explain why. We use Libsyn to host our stuff, we use Audacity to edit, Rode microphones for recording, and all the different social sites to promote it. That is generally, in a nutshell, what we use and now I’m going to go into details as to why we use it.


Microphones are the first bit of technology that you should acquire. We use Rode microphones (the smartlav in particular) only because it clips on to me. It’s nice and easy, it’s one of their cheaper microphones and you can record it straight in the 3.5 mm jack on your phone. Now I hear you say, “But Josh, I’m pretty up with the tech and I don’t have a phone that has a 3.5 mm jack.” Well, bugger. You’re going to have to get one of those adapters from USB-C or the Apple equivalent and jump that in there so that you can use this mic because it is amazeballs. This is the mic that you want. At around $100 or under you get a fantastic quality microphone that is portable and great for filming with as well. So you’ve got multiple reasons why this microphone’s great. Don’t use the microphone on your phone, it is terrible. You want to make sure that people can hear you.

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 Don’t Spend Too Much Too Soon

Now, what I would suggest, once you’ve gone gangbusters and your podcast is going nuts and you’ve got thousands of downloads every month like we do you can look to get more expensive equipment. However, don’t go and drop a whole bunch of coin on something that might just be a fleeting idea and might not actually land you whatever the reason is that you’re doing it.

What Recording App Should You Use?

The next step now is plugging that beast into your phone and finding a recording app that you like. There are lots of different ones out there in the App Store and the Play Store. What I would say is find one that resonates well with you. You might have one that automatically labels the titles or whatever the situation is. My favorite one at the moment is Hi-Q MP3 Recorder, and that allows for the MP3s to be directly transferred through to Dropbox for me to start editing.

What to Know About Editing Effectively

Once you’ve been recording the content you’re then able to jump on and start editing the content. Audacity is a fantastic piece of kit. Now, I’m not going to say we only use Audacity, that’d be a lie, but I’ll definitely say for your first podcast, if you’re not overly technically capable, Audacity is fantastic. The price tag is zero dollars, so very, very cheap, and you end up with a plethora of forums and support out there because it is a very loved product that has well-established grounds in the audio industry. Now as I said there are lots of other tools out there and that’s not actually the tool we use 100% of the time, but it’s a tool that does 99% of everything you’re ever going to want to do and the price tag is the cheapest out of all of them. Edit out any of the bits and pieces, any of the long pauses that you might make you sound unnatural. Edit out any of those long pauses, edit out any bits that don’t make much sense. Sometimes I waffle and I’ll be talking for 15 to 20 minutes and I’ll drop that sucker down to nine.

Consider An Intro and Outro

Edit out everything and decide whether or not you want to have an intro and an exit piece. That’s just something very small, short, and sweet. We only occasionally have an exit piece and just something quick to let people know that it’s a new episode if they’re listening to our episodes back to back at the start. Something nice, quick, and easy.



Exporting Your Audio

Once you’ve edited it all it is time to export. The most common file type is either as MP3 or M4A. Codec is a compression-decompression algorithm. Codec is like a language and it is changing the language format of your file and getting rid of bits it doesn’t need and making it more efficient. If it makes the file format more efficient, that means that it can be downloaded on to any of your potential listeners’ devices quicker. I find MP3 at this moment is a better format to be pushing it out rather than M4A, even though M4A is considerably smaller than MP3. Your mileage may vary and it depends on your audience. So, stick with whatever is relevant at the time that you’re listening to this podcast. For us, it’s MP3. Unless you’re having multiple listeners on the channel you could probably just export that as CBR, which is constant bitrate, 128 kbps, mono. This means it’s only going to be taking up like half a meg a minute, hardly anything, hardly any space, and it’s going to give you pretty good crisp-as quality audio. Especially when it’s just your voice and you’re not going to be having any instruments on there, for the most part, it’s going to be fine.


Now that has been exported, your next job is to upload. There are lots of different hosting sites out there, in fact, you can do it yourself and have it hosted yourself. I would suggest using something like Libsyn. The reason why is because many, many big players use that system. It allows you to submit it to different directory listings that let you get on to Spotify, iTunes, and everywhere else. Libsyn isn’t the cheapest, the cheapest is free, but I have a feeling with most products that are free you have to think what is the product then? They’re not selling that. So that’s not the product. You’re probably the product and I have heard some pretty crazy stories about some of the free ones out there. Nevertheless, Libsyn isn’t that expensive at about $5 per month. So it’s quite cheap if you want to get into a podcast. Not only that, once you’ve got everything in Libsyn they give you a little web portal that you can send your customers to or your potential listeners to. As I said, it automatically puts it into iTunes after you’ve got a few episodes up there along with all the other different directory listings that have podcasts on them, which is really cool. So you can be listening through Spotify in your car or whatever the case may be.

The Final Word

So you’ve got all this stuff and it’s up on the web. The next question is how do you get people to listen to it? How do you make the content engaging for people to listen to it? How does this all fit in together? For any of that the content and the audience, I’m going to cover that off in the next podcast. So stay tuned and keep in mind that this here is the entry-level get in on near to zero dollarydoos level podcast. Less than $100 you can get the equipment and be able to get off the ground and start producing reasonably professional podcasts. So stay tuned and I’ll go through where you can find ideas for your content and how do you go about marketing that content. Stay good. If you have enjoyed the podcast, make sure to jump across to iTunes, leave us some love, give us a review and let us know what you’d like us to do. I’ll talk to you soon.


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