How to Implement a Small Business Security Program

Small Business IT Support Services

Having a Hard Time Managing Small Business Security Risks?

Australian entrepreneurs must implement small business security measures regardless of the state of the market or even their company’s industry and level. It has been a never-ending battle for small businesses to protect assets, including sensitive corporate and customer information, from hackers. That’s why we’ve listed down small business security tips for organisations that want to establish, develop or strengthen their information security program.

Do you want to improve your small business’s security? Talk to a Dork to learn how you can prevent cyberattacks!

Don’t Have a Security Program Yet?

You can establish the basics of small business security even if your teams are not IT-savvy and you have limited IT support. If your employees are equipped to process online orders and check emails but you don’t have an allocated budget for small business security systems, you can take small steps to have an information security program in place.

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How to Improve Small Business Security With IT Experts 

Thanks to your IT team and the right software, you can still bump up your security without any additional small business security systems cost. Here are some methods:

• Have at least one basic security program running 24/7 whenever you need reminders.

• Create eye-catching posters in visible locations or desktop screen savers as part of your daily business operation to remind and advise employees on how to take action.

• Ensure that you comply with the government’s small business security requirements.

• Adjust your security awareness strategy depending on the season because attackers may take advantage of certain times of the year to strike.

• Have a board-level buy-in mentality by handling possible cybersecurity problems with visibility and the utmost urgency.

Not sure where to start? Talk to an IT expert to learn more about small business security. It’s free!

What’s Next After Having IT Experts?

Your company must experience a culture change wherein everyone—employees and executives alike—treats IT problems with utmost urgency. Everyone in your organisation must take security risks seriously. Apart from this, you must continue:

• Researching about small business security solutions

• Hiring small business security services to improve company-wide awareness as needed

• Implementing a small business security plan and conducting annual compliance training

• Creating a positive culture within the organisation

Let’s make an IT security plan for your business. Talk to an IT expert to learn more about small business security, free for 60 minutes.

How to Help Build a Positive Office Culture

Some suggestions include:

• Incentives for employees who proactively prevent threats from escalating into incidents

• Creative employee engagement initiatives

• Customised strategies addressing different threats

• Offering tips to customers promoting safe online behaviour

• Standardized security practices that suppliers must comply with

• Testing employees if they practice safe online browsing habits

The Final Word

Regardless of your company’s industry, you need robust small business security to prevent information theft or other kinds of attacks from hackers. Even if your company isn’t tech-savvy, has IT experts or is undergoing culture change, cybersecurity requires constant improvement. With cooperation and support from executives to entry-level employees, you can implement better security awareness programs.


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