The Truth About Having Many Products and Services You Need to Know Now

10-Step IT Management Checklist

Giving Consumers Lots of Options

One of the most amazing things about New York is the sheer amount of choice. If you’re feeling hungry, there’s a lot of options, and this is great for consumers. But what you need to realise is that each stand is only offering a few items. The hot dog stand doesn’t sell pizzas and cappuccinos; it just sells hot dogs and a few extras.

Should You Offer Many Products or Services?

A trap that many businesses fall into is trying to offer too many choices. You’re trying to make all of your customers happy, but in the end, you’re just confusing the people and you ultimately lose your identity. When offering just a handful of options, you’re telling the people that you know the best solution to their problem.

If you want to have another pair of eyes to look at your offerings, book a free 60-minute consultation here.

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Dorks Delivered, Marketing, and Automation

When Dorks Delivered started branching out into other areas like Web development, marketing, and business automation, I soon realised that my message became a bit confusing. To protect the identity of the successful company that I had created, I put these new services into new businesses that separated the companies and ultimately allowed for sniper marketing, for instance, Web design branding and video marketing. I set up Our Shout Business Marketing. For the automation side, I created Business Efficiency Experts.

Of course, when I deal with my customers, there can sometimes become a crossover, obviously. If they have a problem, I can offer the right solution. But by splitting the services up like this, I’ve kept a simple message for each and make it very easy to market and understand for the end consumer.

If you want to learn more about marketing and automation solutions for your business, book a free 60-minute consultation.

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