How to Prepare for Windows 7 End of Life

windows 7 startup screen

How to Prepare for Windows 7 End of Lifewindows 7 startup screen

There’s a very important date to keep in mind if you’re running Windows 7 desktops. We’re already in the extended grace period, and now we’re going to be no longer having that as an option next year. So, get onto Windows 10 systems. If you do want to continue using a Windows 7 system for your business, continue reading. 

What Does End of Life Mean?

End of life. End of your life, end of my life, end of whose life? What does it all mean, Basil? Who really knows? Whoop-de-do! What does it all mean, Basil? All we know is that there’s some very important dates coming up if you’re running Windows 7 desktops.

Mark Your Calendar

Be on the ball. You need to be talking to your current provider. Get on the blower and be like, “Oi, we’re told by this weird dork on the Internet about something we need to be doing that we’re not doing currently, that we need to be doing right now but we’re not doing yet,” and that is to make sure that you remember January 14th, 2020. That’s right, the middle of our summer holiday. Doesn’t that suck? Thank you very much, Microsoft.

But instead what they’ve done is January 14th next year, no more updates, no more anything. Any hacking attempts, any security problems. We’re already in the extended period. They’ve already given us this extended grace period, and now we’re going to be no longer having that as an option.

Watch: How to Completely Wipe Data From Old Computers

Jump to Windows 10

So, get onto it. Jump across, jump onto Windows 10 systems. Do anything except just staying on your Windows 7.

The problem that you’re going to have is if there was to be an issue, they’re not going to resolve it for you. If there was to be a security vulnerability, you’re just going to have to put up with it.

If you do want to continue using a Windows 7 system I suggest strongly you don’t use it on the Internet because the next thing that’s going to happen is there’s going to be very, very few pieces of software that’s released that’s going to continue to be compatible with it. So when software upgrades come out, your systems are not going to work with them.

Read: How Do You Keep Your Business Secure Online

The Final Word

So get on top of it. Start planning now. You’ve still got a couple of quarters left and then some to be able to jump onto it and make a difference so that you’re prepared financially to be able to get this done. If you’ve got 30 or 40 or 100 computer or something like that it can be definitely be a bit of a capital expenditure, but you got to do these things to stay secure.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this and stay good.


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