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Bob Burg and The Go-Giver

Bob Burg and The Go-Giver

Interview With Bob Burg, Author of The Go-Giver

In this episode, my special guest is Bob Burg. He has changed my life and the way that I do business. The Go-Giver is one of the first self-help books that I read, and it had a massive influence on me. 

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Josh: So we’ve got Bob Burg here and he’s an absolute legend in his field. He’s changed the way that I do business. He’s changed my life. He was one of the first self-help books that I read. And ultimately, it’s something that I always talked to a massive influence in me and I talk to all my clients and make sure that they go on and read number one, The Go-Giver. They need to jump into that. That changes the way you do business. So Bob, tell me a bit about The Go-Giver.

Bob: Well, it’s a business parable, so it’s a fictional story based on all tried-and-proven principles. And there’s a lot of stories within the story that actually happened. But the actual work is a work of fiction. It’s co-authored with John David Mann, who’s a fantastic storyteller and writer. I’m much more of a how-to guy. And it’s a story of a guy named Joe who’s a young, up-and-coming ambitious, aggressive salesperson. He’s a good guy and he has good intentions, but he’s very frustrated because he hasn’t reached the kind of success he believes he should have by this point. But he really comes to learn that the big problem is that his focus is really on himself when it comes right down to it as opposed to others. And what he learns through the story is that when you can shift your focus off of yourself and onto others, being focused on creating or what we call giving exceptional value to everyone you meet, you realize that not only is that a nicer, a more pleasant way of conducting business. It’s actually the most financially profitable way as well.

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Josh: I have to say, I completely agree. Having read your book would have been, now I couldn’t even say how many years ago. It was many, many years ago I started off with The Go-Giver, and I thought this is amazing. Jumped on to The Go-Giver Leader, jumped on to Sell More and then Endless Referrals and the Success Formula. 

Bob: Thank you.

Right customers for businessJosh: I can say your teachings are amazing, and the way that it was done in The Go-Giver was very light, easy read in my opinion. It wasn’t related to lots of people and it wasn’t something that you pick up and just wanted to read it. You didn’t want to put it down. It wasn’t something that was hard to read.

Bob: That goes to John. That’s his writing skills.

Josh: It helped and especially…when I was first starting out in business, being able to read something like that and go, okay, this sounds good. And knowing that there are good ways and great ways to do business as opposed to the ruthless cutthroat methods that seem to be fictionalized in movies.

Bob: Yeah. And I think that’s one of the reasons there was an appeal for the book, for the message. Because most human beings want to feel like they’re making a positive difference in people’s lives. And, so I think what the book said is basically, yeah, you can do business that way. Can you focus on bringing value to others and not only is it going to have you feel good about yourself, not only are you going to make money doing that, but that’s actually the more effective way of doing it. Then focusing on yourself because you think about this and I often will say this in a sort of a joking manner, when I speak at a sales conference, one of the first things I’ll say is, ‘Nobody’s going to buy from you because you have a quota.’

Josh: Yeah, exactly.

Bob: Right? And we all laugh because we all know that’s true. No one’s going to buy from us because we need the sale. Right? They’re not going to buy from you because you need the money and they’re not even going to buy from you because you’re a nice person. They’re going to buy from you because they believe that they will be better off by doing so than by not doing so.

That’s perfect. It’s the only reason why anyone should buy from you or from me or from anyone else. And then the neat thing about that is what it does is it makes it so that salesperson or entrepreneur who can place their focus on that other person, placing that other person’s interests first, doing what’s in the best interest of that other person and being able to communicate that, that’s the person who’s going to be more successful. Both in the short term and the longer sustainable term.

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Josh: Well, I can say the proof is in the pudding and I’ve made my business on the pudding that you gave me. It worked out really well and it definitely, as you said it, it should be straightforward, but it doesn’t seem to come by nature. And I know I, myself, am very technical, my background is technical, my skill set is technical. And I was the technician that decided I’ve got something better to get to the world, and excuse the French, but scared shitless when it came to trying to sell or talk to people about it. And your books sort of described it perfectly. Don’t sell. Just show people what you’ve got here. 

Bob: Here’s what it is. It’s not me not selling, but we define selling differently than most people, right? Because when you think about it, you know, a lot of people say, well, what’s selling? Selling is trying to convince someone to buy something they don’t want or need. Well, that’s not selling. That’s called being a thief. You know?

So what is selling? Well, selling by definition, selling is simply discovering what that other person does want, does desire and helping them to get it. In the old English root of the word sell was ‘sellan’, which literally meant ‘to give’. So when you’re selling, you’re literally giving. Now someone might say, well, wait a second. Isn’t that just semantics? I don’t think so. And here’s why.

Let’s say you have a prospective customer in front of you and they want to know why, why they should do business with you, why you are the solution to their problem. Why that? Well, so you’re in a sales situation, you are selling. So my question would be, when you’re selling, what are you giving? I suggest you’re giving that person time, attention, counsel, education, empathy, and ultimately, extreme value. So when we look at selling that way, now we see that it’s really something good that we’re doing.

Josh: You’re helping everyone ultimately, unless you’re being a thief, as you said. As long as you’ve got a good product, a good mindset, and you believe in what you’re doing and what you’re selling and what your messages, I find that your customers become your best salespeople.

Bob: Oh, absolutely. They become your personal walking ambassadors.

Josh: Correct. Yeah. It’s an amazing concept. Anyone that hasn’t read The Go-Giver definitely needs to jump into it. It’s a must-read. It needs to sit on there on the shelf as one of the first books that you read next to EMyth and other classics.

In fact, when I first met my partner, Sarah, she started her first business as the first. So backstory, I met her on Tinder, I would’ve rather met her in a nicer way, but we live in the age that we live in. So I met her on Tinder and the first time we caught up together, she had a folder there and I caught up with her. She didn’t know if it was a business meeting or a date. And I was talking to her about different ways that she could better her business and don’t say so myself, quite the gentleman opening the door and so on and so forth for her. And I said one of the first things you need to do is read The Go-Giver and this copy that I’ve actually got here, now that we’ve been together for a while, is signed by me:

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So this is actually the book that I had for myself and I gifted it to her, and it’s come straight back. And although that sounds a bit corny, it’s exactly the message that you’re giving. You give and it comes back to you. I gave her a book and I got a life partner. It comes back to you significantly more than what you give out.

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Bob: That’s awesome. And I had never thought of my book going along on a Tinder date or what have you, but I’m glad it did.

Josh: Yeah. So here you are, obviously you get an invite to the wedding.

Bob: Really. Exactly.

Josh: Just a little thank you on that one and the opportunities. Don’t stop it. Don’t turn off your sales cap. It’s always on. If you’re passionate about it, it’s the awkward things always come your way.

So tell me about what happens after the book. When someone’s read the book, what’s the next steps that they can do to find out how to better themselves and adventure onwards, past the one-way literature?

Bob: Well, you know, application is always really key and that’s why in the story itself, Pindar the main mentor told Joe that there was really only one condition for his mentorship and that is that he apply those laws. Every time he learned a new law, he would apply the law that day. It didn’t have to be done perfectly and it wasn’t a matter of figuring out exactly why or why it wouldn’t work or what have you, just do the thing, right? Just take action on it.

And so we find the feedback that we receive. A lot of people do that. ‘Okay, how do I apply this? How do I do this?’ And they’ll work on that. And I think that’s a great way to start.

Ask yourself, how do I bring value to another human being? And when you think about it, we have to really understand what value is, what it means.

A lot of times, I think people confuse price and value, and those are actually two different terms. For example, the law of value says your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment. But you think about it, that sounds like a recipe for bankruptcy. Give more in value than I take in a payment or am I going to go out of business? And so we simply have to understand the difference between price and value. So what we know is that price is a dollar amount. It’s a dollar figure. It’s finite. It’s simply is what it is. It’s the price. 

Law of valueValue, on the other hand, is the relative worth or desirability of a thing to the end-user or beholder. In other words, what is it about this thing, this product, this service, this concept, this idea that brings with it so much worth or value to another human being that they will willingly exchange their money for this and be glad, be ecstatic that they did while you make a very healthy profit.

For example, when you automate somebody’s business, what’s the value you’re providing? You’re saving them time, you’re saving them energy, you’re saving them from making needless mistakes. You’re making it so that they’re going to make more money in their business. So I guarantee you that whatever it is you charge that person, they’re getting much more in value than what they’re paying.

But you are making a very healthy profit because obviously with your costs of goods sold and rent and everything else, you are selling the service for much, much more than what you’re having to pay to support it.

And that’s why in a market-based economy, with every sale, there should be two profits: the buyer profits and the seller profits because. Each of them come away better off afterwards than they were beforehand.

So that’s the law of value. It’s not a matter of, and you know, some people might think, you know, they hear it, The Go-Giver, does that mean you’re giving away your products or services? No! Does it mean you’re not making a profit? No, of course not. As a go-giver, you’re going to make a much higher profit because your focus is going to be on the value, the experience, everything you provide that other person, right? Not low price. When you sell on a low price, you’re a commodity. When you sell on high value, you are a resource.

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Josh: In a podcast I did a few weeks ago on apples versus oranges. How could they possibly be the same price from people are comparing apples with apples, and as soon as you are comparing apples with apples, you commoditize your business. And then the only thing that you can fight on is price. And that’s what you need to be able to bring that value, bring that difference, bring that change. And I know that you’re a big fan of that. So you’ve got value, price and costs. 

Bob: Yeah. And here’s the thing. So when you look at the price, and I think, you know, the cost is pretty self-explanatory. The price is self-explanatory, right? But when we talk about value, that can be both concrete in terms of, you know, when someone saves a certain amount of money, when you help someone make a certain amount, that’s fine. But there’s so much more to the experience itself even that is conceptual in nature.

But here’s what we’ve got to really understand. Value is always in the eyes of the beholder.

Josh: Yes.

Bob: So what that other person feels is valuable about your product or service or doing business with you or what have you, not what you think is a value or what you think they should think is a value. It’s about what they do. So if we’re going to say to somebody, okay, so how do you practice the law of value? Right? Well, the first thing you do is ask questions and make sure you discover what other people find to be of value. You know, and then you’d go from there because it’s not a matter of just doing things that you think are of value to others. That’s fine. But what you feel is value may not be what they feel is. 

Josh: Right, and then there’s this disparity between your service offerings not being seen as valuable…So it’s a very valuable lesson. And I know that you’re big on authority building and influence. And I think that is something that can bring a lot of value to people. Something that can show people your worth in mass without necessarily having to spend time as a commodity. You’re able to put a resource in front of people or it’s able to come about in front of them where they can see the things that can benefit their business and benefit their life. How would you go about starting off becoming an influencer?

Bob: You know I think it’s always a good thing to define. I’m always a big believer in defining terms so that we’re all coming, facing the same direction. So when you think about what influence even is, on a very basic level, influence can be defined as simply the ability to move a person or persons to a desired action, usually within the context of the specific goal. Now that’s the definition, but I don’t believe that’s the essence of influence. The essence of influence is pull, as opposed to push, as in the saying, how far can you push a rope? And the answer is not very, at least not very fast or very effectively, which is why great influencers don’t push, right. You never hear people saying, wow, that term or that Nancy, she is so influential. She has a lot of push with people. No. Influential, she has a lot of pull with people. That’s what influence is. It’s pull. It’s an attraction.

Great influencers first attract people to themselves and only then to their ideas. So how do we do that? Well, so the law of influences in the book, a lot of influences. Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first. Well, what does that mean? I mean, we’re not talking about being self-sacrificial or being a martyr or being a doormat, but no, here’s what we mean. Like this person who utilizes pull in order to influence that person’s always asking themselves questions such as how does what I am asking this other person do? How does it align with their goals, with their wants, their needs, their desires? How does what I want this other person do? How does it align with their values? How am I making their life better? What is a problem of theirs I am helping them to solve? And see Josh, when we ask ourselves these questions thoughtfully, intelligently genuinely, authentically, not as a way to manipulate another human being and doing our will, but as a way of building everyone in the process, now we’ve come a lot closer to earning that person’s commitment as opposed to trying to depend on some type of compliance, which is push, that’s pushing ourselves or pushing our will and so on and so forth. 

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Josh: So how would you, if you were a small business, you’ve just started out and you’ve got just yourself, you’ve just read The Go-Giver and you’re thinking about how can you change your methodology from being a push, maybe I’m sure you’ve seen some of the pyramid schemes that are out there that have generally more push than pull, from a sales perspective when they’re trying to get you to sell certain products without mentioning brands in bits and pieces. Their sales training has all been very push. How would you change someone from a push mentality into a pull mentality and how would you change around their processes to allow for that to come to fruition and be noticed by either their existing customers that have come probably through getting sick of saying no and they’ve finally said yes. Well, how would you then change the mentality of their customer base or do you think that it would be sort of a more of a situation where you’d refresh the customer base? I guess, how would you change your mindset from the 1980s’ this is how I’m going to be pushing something onto someone to the 2020s? How would you change their process? 

Bob: So I would say regardless of the field, if it’s sales, there are certain people who do it through push and the good ones, the sustainably successful ones do it through pull. The ones who do it through push and has been successful for a long time have to continue repeating the process over and over and over again with new people all the time. It’s exhausting. It’s a very, very difficult. You can do it, but it’s very difficult to build a sustainable business that way.

The ones who do it through pull, regardless of the business, regardless of the industry, these are the people who are typically able to really develop a wonderful referral base. And as you were mentioning earlier, people who are out there singing your praises, what we call personal walking ambassadors. So I think it begins with the initial conversation and let’s say you meet someone somewhere and you know you’re at a business social function and you just say hello and you say your name and they say their name and you ask them what they do and they tell you what they do and then they’re going to probably give you some kind of elevator speech, right? ‘You know, I sell high-end copying machines to businesses that need to blah, blah, blah.’

Building sustainable businessSo that’s what most people have been taught to do so. You want to listen respectfully when they do it. But then when they ask you what you do, which they’ll probably do, my suggestion is to rather than do some elevator speech, cause remember right now when this person first meets you, they really don’t care about you and don’t care about what you do. They care about themselves. So my feeling is just say the name, whatever your company is, whatever you do, I’m an accountant with so-and-so, whatever. But then you’re going to go right back to Aspen, that person questions about themselves and about their business.

I have questions I call ‘feel-good questions’. Those are questions that are not salesy, not prospecting, not intrusive, not invasive. They just make this person feel genuinely good about themselves, about the situation and about you. And remember when you’re focusing on them, you’re taking the pressure off yourself. You don’t have to be that person who has that clever pushing you lime that you know and so forth.

So the first feel-good question that you could ask is simply, how did you get your starter? How did you get started in the copying machine business or selling copying machines or what have you. Or you may say how did you get your start in the office products profession, you know, a little bit more elegant or whatever it is that person does. Asking them how they got their start is a fantastic way to immediately communicate value to them. Because, you know, again, value is much more than just money. It’s making a person feel important, feel good about themselves. And how many people ever ask this person how they got started in their business? I guarantee you, their own family probably doesn’t ask that person. And here’s you who they just met and you’re asking them to basically to tell you their story and they’re gonna appreciate that.

I would follow that up probably with another feel-good question such as ‘What do you enjoy most about what you do?’ You’ll probably segue into it by saying, ‘Wow, you must’ve had some fascinating experiences. What do you enjoy most about your work? Or what do you enjoy most about what you do?’ And again, it’s a feel-good question. There’s no pressure attached to it.

Now when you’ve begun to develop a little bit of a rapport with that person, I would then suggest asking what I call the one key question that will set you apart from practically everyone else that person has ever met.

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Bob: And that question sounds something like this. ‘Gary, how can I know if someone I’m speaking with is a good prospective customer for you?’ You think about what you’ve done when asking that question, right? Unlike other people who are just trying to sell their product or service right away or what have you, you have actually said to this person, not in so many words, but what you’ve communicated is I want to help you. I want to add value to your life. They’re going to really appreciate that. Now at the end of the conversation, you’ve got their business card, you can follow up with a personalised handwritten note, which is so much better than a text or an email, even though those are always good. But after you first meet someone, there’s nothing like a personalised note card to send handwritten a just saying, it was great meeting you.

If I can ever refer business your way, I certainly will. And, and you know, you’ve now established a connection. You’ve now established a relationship with this person that you can then begin to build on however you do it. Whether it’s you connect with that person on social media, whenever you can refer that person to someone else. Or if you know that person has an interest in antiques and you find an article on antiques and you print it out and you send it to them and say, ‘Hey, I came across this and I remember you love antiques, thought you might find…’ You know, all these things you’re doing, you’re just creating that relationship with that person. And this does not have to take a long time.

But what happens when you do this consistently and you do this over time with new people on an everyday basis, you start developing so many people within your new sphere of influence that you’ve always got someone who’s at that point where it’s ready for you to approach them about either doing business with them directly and/or referrals.

Josh: Well, we had Oscar Trimboli on the show a couple of weeks ago, and he talked about listening more than speaking. And what you’re saying now, you need to make sure that you are genuinely listening to people. You’re not hearing them. You need to be, a lack of a better word, involved emotionally in what they’re saying and listening to what they’re saying and actually action from that information. You don’t want to be just hearing them and then think, ‘Oh yeah, yeah, cool, cool. You’re like, you’re like a remote control racing. That’s cool. Okay, moving on.’ That’s a turn-off and be ready and engaged to build that relationship if that’s what’s important. And ultimately in business, it is the currency that is the most important. Building relationships. All ships rise in high tide, especially relationships. 

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Bob: You know, several of the mentors told Joe in the story, the golden rule of business, of sales networking, what have you, is simply that all things being equal, people will do business with and refer business to those people they know, like, and trust. And you know, there’s no faster, more powerful or more effective way to elicit these sort of feelings toward you from others than by, and again, as you said, genuinely and authentically and that, you know, moving from that I focus or me focus to that other focus or you’re really looking to, as Sam one of the mentors advised Joe, make your win all about that other person’s win.

Josh: Yeah, 100%! It is all about the other person and it should always be about the other person. There’s always someone out there, as you say, that’s ready to build a relationship, ready to listen, to be heard and ready to have their story heard and building those relationships. When the time comes, being a pushy person, it’s all about the numbers and you. You’re trying to change your 3% conversion to a 5% or a 5% to a 10% when you’re calling up. It’s a yucky game with a lot more negativity. It’s a game that you have a lot of friction towards building the relationships as opposed to genuinely building relationships.

Bob: Well, yeah, it always comes back to how you do it. If you’re doing it with the, how do I serve this person, you’re going to have a lot more success, you know? And then if you’re saying, okay, I’m going to talk out this person and try to get them to buy. Again, it’s not that doing it The Go-Giver way is self-sacrificial. No, it’s more profitable doing it that way. Because again, are they more likely or less likely to buy from you when they can tell that you’re focused on them as opposed to being focused on getting their money?

Josh: And they’re going to see that the solutions that you’re putting in place, you’ve been listening to them, you understand their problems, you understand their stresses, you understand their pain points, you’re able to then focus on that and make sure that you’re removing those problems, not just explaining that moving to this solution is better for your business. You’re hearing their problems and saying, well, maybe this isn’t better for your business and that’s fine as well. 

Bob: Absolutely! When that happens, that happens.

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Josh: And that’s not a bad problem to have either. If you’ve still got to a perfect person now that you’ve been talking to building a relationship with, they know the solutions that you offer. They know the things that it does, the things and it doesn’t, the bells and whistles and that then allows for them to then refer other businesses on when they see that there is a better fit for you and they hear other people’s problems. And that’s where you have your compounding effect of growth. It’s a really beautiful thing. So I’ve been very excited, as I said, The Go-Giver changed my life, change the direction and not just from a personal relationship perspective that I brought up earlier. Again, thank you for that one.

Bob: My pleasure.

Reading inspirational booksJosh: I’ve read different books. There’s one, I hope I’m not quoting the wrong name here, I think it’s Sapiens. It talks about how many relationships a single person has in their life and build out from that. And they talk around the magic number. That’s weird.

Bob: The Sapiens…

Josh: That’s the one.

Bob: Yeah. He talked about the tribes back in the hunter-gatherer years, basically about 150, and that’s sort of the number David Berkus writes about that too in his book. And I’m just trying to think of the person who…Durham’s or Dunham’s, and I can’t think of what law it is, but  he’s the person who kind of came up and documented that 150 person.

Josh: For anyone who’s watching this, that wasn’t staged there. You’ve got hundreds of books behind you. What are the chances?

Bob: Well, you know, the funny thing is a good friend of mine had referred Sapiens to me about two years ago, and I have always had so many books on the list to read. I was speaking in Colorado maybe a couple of weeks ago, and I got that at the bookstore. I saw it at the bookstore and I was looking for it. I was hoping to pick it up and I started reading it and I really haven’t been able to put it down. I’m about three-quarters of the way through now. 

Josh: Fantastic book. With building relationships, I guess you’ve bought home exactly what I was bringing up in the book. And that that’s the role of 150, maybe 200 people. And if you are in the business of selling items, where you need to sell more items and not say a B2B business and professional industry like myself (I have a 50 to 70 businesses that I’m working with), but if you’re selling something that that is a low price side and you need to have a significantly higher ratio, maybe it’s 500 to one or something like that. And you still want to have those relationships built and you want to have the authenticity with the relationships, but knowing that you can’t necessarily have the closeness and as they talk about the different circles of relationships that you have and you have your close intimate relationships and then it goes out from there.

How do you keep the authenticity? Would you suggest people using different databasing programs to write down notes on people to make sure that if you don’t talk to them for two years and they come back to you and they said, ‘Larry, I really loved the talk that we had at the business conferencing meeting from two years ago’ that you can barely remember because there was too many bees flying around. And what would be the best method to make sure that you are being authentic? Would you say, ‘Larry, glad we had a good chat.’ But what would you say as soon as you get home, as soon as you get back to the office write down what you remember about Larry and, and make sure that you can have a refresher.

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Bob: Well, I think the key with technology is to always use it to help with your authenticity. Other words, it shouldn’t be that it’s about the technology. It’s about the human relationship when you can utilize technology to do that. So I do want to write down what I talked about with someone and review it every so often because I do want to know. Okay, but if something comes up where you know, I happen to see that person or they bring that up and it’s really not something that I do remember. Again, it depends on the context. Usually, I’m going to say, ‘You know what, my gosh, you know I love you, love talking with you, but I don’t remember exactly what we talked about in that conversation.’

You know, you can do that. But if it’s going to hurt that person’s feelings, I’d probably just say, ‘You know, always love talking with you. And yet that, you know, that was great.’ You know, again, sometimes I think we go too overboard with being literal, you know, in some ways. You always want to be honest, but you also always want to be kind and tactful as well.

But so when, when technology can help you to authentically keep in touch with another person, absolutely. I totally utilize that.

Josh: That’s perfect. That’s something that I…I write down as many things as I can remember about as many conversations that I have. And that could be whether or not they like Chivas Regal or they have a dog named whatever the dog’s name…

Bob: Because if they like Chivas Regal, that might be something you might send them sometime on a special occasion, and if their dog’s name is Checkers and you want to be able to remember that their dog’s name was Checkers. If you can remember it just cause you remember it, that’s great. I love animals. So I tend to remember people’s pet’s names, but that’s not everybody. And there are other things about people I don’t remember. And in that case, you need that reminder. I think all of that is great. When it helps to further a relationship and it’s authentic and genuine, of course utilize the technology.

Josh: I think technology is perfect to be able to help people out. And as you said, do not overcome the personal touch. Don’t use technology to be personal. Use technology to get rid of the repetition but use yourself and your power that you have, your voice that you use, to build those personal relationships. And that’s what it’s about. It’s just the cavemen had different tools that they use to achieve their objectives and the time has changed. The chairs. We sit in different chairs. The offices have air-con and then we use a different set of tools to achieve the same objectives, which is exactly.

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Josh: Well, we’re getting very close to the end here. I wanted to just sort of ask is there any speaking events or things that you do? Either around the States or within Australia or down under that are coming up anytime?

Bob: Typically at this point, I travel a lot less than I used to. I just don’t want to be travelling all over the place. So I limit my state engagements to about 20 a year now. And I try to not keep it within the States. Those are my corporate programs, but we also have public seminars that we do usually in Orlando because it’s easier for people from Australia, Singapore and South Africa and London to get there. And so we hold them in Orlando, which is really only a couple of hours drive from me up the road. Orlando, because it’s Disney world, it’s easier for people to get into.

Our next one is actually in late January. It’s called Endless Referrals: The Go-Giver Away. We limit those to about 50 people. So it’s over two days and it’s very hands-on. So those are the ones that will be the public ones that we’ll be doing from now on. I have so many great mates in Australia and you know, I just like if I could beam myself there, I would do that in a minute. But the long flight, you know, I just don’t travel well anymore.

Josh: It took me two weeks to get over the jet lag when I went to the States. Give me your favourite Aussie accent, your best Aussie accent.

Bob: Oh, let’s see. Hi, mate. Lovely to see you. Love all my mates down there. Well, have a good time. No worries. No worries.

Josh: That sounds pretty good. I don’t mind that. That’s good. 

Bob: We love Australians. We love our Aussie mates. So it’s you know, always a neat thing. And it’s always a joy to connect with any of my friends from the beautiful land down under.

Josh: I had the opportunity to head over for three months last year as I was travelling all around the place. And I’d have to say it’s like you’re travelling to different countries with each state that you go to, where Australia is, in my opinion, not as diverse. You have parts that are definitely greener and parts that are more tropical. But overall the accent doesn’t vary a whole bunch. The people mentality doesn’t change a whole bunch except for obvious things that’s such as go into the middle of the city in New York and you go to Sydney, and there’s the hustle and bustle and there’s people aren’t as friendly, but that’s just the nature of the beast.

Sign up for a free, no-obligation Hack Assessment. Fill out this form to get a callback.

Josh: For anyone that does want to head to any of the opportunities that you’ve got other in-person or any of the content that you have, you’ve got the Go-Giver movement. Is that right? 

Bob: Yeah. General website is The two-day workshop is and we also have So we’ve got content all over the place there. 

Josh: We’ll chuck some links down below or any of the appropriate places, depending on where this gets seen. You can jump across there and have a bit of a look. And I’d like to thank you for coming along and talking with me and we’ve got this beautiful summer day in paradise here.

Bob: Yes, you have. 

Josh: Is there anything else that you’d like to cover off on before we jump?

Bob: No, this has been a lot of fun, very enjoyable, and I wished everybody who is watching and listening, I just wish you a fantastic 2020. May it be your best year yet.

Josh: Thank you very much, Bob, and I appreciate you coming along.

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02:22 28 Nov 24
I am very Satisfied with the services provided by Dorks; the teams are highly responsive and supportive.
Eleanor Swanepoel
08:38 19 Nov 24
The Dorks got me into my system after it was locked out and the device destined for landfill. Having worked with the Dorks team for 4 years, I have always found them responsive, helpful and diligent. Thoroughly recommend!
Trent Marshall
03:33 15 Nov 24
Josh and the entire Dorks team could not be any more professional, helpful, friendly and knowledgeable if they tried. Time and time again they were patient and went above and beyond to resolve numerous complicated IT issues for myself and my team, at all hours of the day and night. I recommend them to all size and scale of businesses, as no problem is too large for the Dorks! Thanks again Josh and I wish you and the team every success in work and in life.
Meg Dennis
21:27 08 Nov 24
There are very few organisations that have a service culture of going above and beyond. Josh Lewis, Dorks founder did that this week with myself and several peers, helping us through a difficult IT situation. Dorks Managed IT Services are relationship grounded, solution oriented and outcomes based. They are outstanding in their sector.
Meenakshi Vivek
06:46 08 Nov 24
I had the pleasure of speaking with Joshua from Dorks on an IT issue outside of their scope, and I couldn't be more impressed. He went above and beyond to not only resolve my problem quickly on late Friday afternoon but also was very friendly and supportive. His dedication to ensuring everything was working perfectly, truly stood out. Highly recommend Joshua Lewis @Dorks for anyone needing reliable and expert IT assistance!Thank you so much Josh!
Mark Mathews
02:16 15 Aug 24
I've been a client of Dorks Delivered for many years and for good reason! They are so easy to deal with, value for money, host and manage my website, provide office software at discounted rates, easily fix website issues etc. A seamless and easy IT company to deal and communicate with that I highly recommend for all your IT needs.
john aguiflor
03:59 05 Dec 23
Definitely a dream work place!
The Irrigation Shop
02:52 28 Nov 23
These Dorks are fantastic. Always ready to solve any problem we have. Cyber-security, hardware, even tips on marketing. Josh is always approachable and friendly, and the team are top-notch!
Rob Swanson
21:25 27 Nov 23
Dorks has helped get our company IT needs on track and streamlined. They are easily contactable when problems occur and are quick to get you back up and running!
Rimas Veselis
16:55 27 Nov 23
Always extremely helpful!
Mark Ong
02:00 27 Nov 23
The best organisation I've work with so far. All staff are hands-on and they will understand your business in order to support you the best way possible. They are the partners you need for any kind of tech solutions. I love that they are open to two-way feedback and will let you know if something is realistic or not and what is the best solution to move forward given the circumstances. It is no surprise that they come highly recommended for me.
Ben Rayner
01:28 27 Nov 23
Very happy to recommend Dorks Delivered with Teck support etc, we worked together for over 10 years and have all issues resolved promptly.Thanks Team Dorks
Tim Nelson
01:04 20 Nov 23
A refreshing company to manage my IT requirements. Over and above service, and always coming to me with new ideas and concepts
Louise Bedford
03:10 28 Aug 23
Joshua Lewis is a super star. Generous of spirit, skilled as an interviewer, and gifted with the ability to see exactly what people need - I'm sure you'll enjoy dealing with Dorks Delivered.
Dave Abbot
09:08 09 Aug 23
Absolute guns in the industry. Trustworthy reliable and brutally honest.
Tanner Anderson
07:24 04 Aug 23
Working with the team at Dorks is always a pleasure!
Bryan Nillos
00:21 03 Aug 23
Great place and great people to work with. The best MSP, value for money!
04:28 02 Aug 23
I strongly endorse Dorks Delivered for their outstanding Managed IT Services! With a proactive and reliable team, they provide round-the-clock support and top-notch cybersecurity, making them an invaluable partner for achieving business success.
Mark Pope
05:26 06 Jul 23
Definitely talk to Josh Lewis and the Dorks about your managed IT needs. Apart from being smart and having a great team, I have found him to be genuinely concerned about his clients, coming up with the best advice that suits their needs.
Cameron Quin
03:52 05 Jul 23
Honestly, our business wouldn't survive without them. Josh and his team just know everything and I have peace of mind when it comes to the uptime. Of my business. And they give awesome little freebies!!
Adrian Peterson
23:49 25 Apr 23
We recently transferred our I.T. needs to Dorks Delivered and they have been fantastic. The response times, ease of accessibility to them and their understanding of our needs have been brilliant. It's been a complete 180 degree shift from our previous vendor Mercury I.T. We are so pleased with the change and would happily recommend Dorks Delivered to other businesses.

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