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Making a Foundation for Growth With Jeff Chastain

Jeff Chastain

Jeff ChastainEvery business must have a strong foundation—from the people you can trust to the website you are planning to build and the marketing efforts you need to keep the business going. And whether you’ve been running a business for quite some time or you jumped into the world of entrepreneurship just recently, you must learn how to put these elements in place early on. Many questions remain unanswered especially when people and money management are involved. The key to an organisation’s success is the relationship among team members and the cash flow management, which could be a challenge for some. In this episode, Jeff Chastain shares how we can make a foundation for the growth of your business. 

Josh: G’day everyone out there in podcast land. I’ve got Jeff Chastain here from Admentus. And he’s going to be talking to us about a few different ways that you can make a foundation for growth with something called EOS. So tell me a bit more about the process and what EOS is for anyone out there that’s listening.

Jeff: Sure. Well, thanks for having me. EOS is really just a, it’s honestly just a simple set of business practices, business processes that work for entrepreneurial-led organisations to kind of instil that foundation, what you’re talking about, it’s still kind of that basic process in place, because honestly, most entrepreneurs that come into a business, they’ve got a great idea, they’ve got an idea for a solution, a product, something like that, they take it to market, but what they don’t necessarily have is an MBA and know exactly how to go structure and build a business. They go out to market, they hopefully have something that’s viable, that a customer wants to go by, they’ve got it sold. And then we’re kind of at the stage of, okay, now, what do we do are we actually going to grow up and treat this like a real business and scale-out people, scale-out systems, things like that, so we can move forward.

If you look at all the business statistics and stuff like that three to four-year mark, when a lot of small businesses failed, it’s really that stage where the entrepreneur, their core team has basically kind of hit their limit of they’re trying to do everything themselves and getting frustrated that okay, things just aren’t working quite as well. And they lose traction, the business saying, okay, when we first started, it was really easy to change really easy to adapt. Now we’re here and it just feels like the business is stuck in the mud, we’ve kind of lost all sense of fun of direction here. And that point, they just say, hey, we’re bailing out and starting over. Whereas an operating system like EOS really comes back in underneath their successful business really that they built to that point and says, okay, now let’s solidify the foundation underneath it. Let’s actually get everybody working together with the same vision, get everybody performing the same way. And just really kind of reinvigorate that business going forward.

Josh: Okay, so what you said there pretty much you need to create structure within the business to allow for growth and to allow for everyone to pull the ship in the same direction. Because if everyone’s blowing wind in the sails in the same direction, the ship will move forward, as opposed to creating turbulence. So how would you go about moving to a structure where you have the systems in place when most people are going off their feet their busy as. Everyone’s complaining, they have no time. So how do you go about introducing something that takes up time, that will save you time, if you need to get over that hump to be able to get there, what’s the process?

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Jeff: It’s a longer journey process is the way we look at it. With a lot of things, you’ll go out and visionaries especially go to a weekend conference, or read a book and come back into the office Monday. And here’s all the new ideas we’re going to go implement. That kind of stuff honestly never works, it never gets the traction. Whereas EOS is really implemented as a very phased process where it will actually start working right off the bat with individual tools to say, okay, go back in tomorrow and into your business, let’s start on just this one tool, just these two tools, and start kind of building that piece Simplify the processby piece into your daily journey, your daily practice your daily work right there, and really build it in overtime. It’s a longer implementation process. But it helps take, okay, everything that you’re doing today, all your ideas you’re doing today, now, let’s map in a little bit of structure. Let’s map in some new processes. Let’s figure out okay, what are you doing today in your sales process, for example. And let’s go take and document that at an 80/20 kind approach from an entrepreneurial standpoint, and really get just that little bit in place to where now everybody on your sales team is using the same process kind of a thing. So it’s little pieces that you can build into time, and it’s not a complete turn right now with the entire company and expects everybody to stay on the track.

Josh: Getting back to my ship analogy, you can’t turn a ship on a dime, can you? Or a five-cent piece if you’re listening in Australia. So what kind of tools would you say you’re looking to implement or would be something that you go into and you get, okay, 80% of the people are having this same problem because they haven’t implemented X, Y, Z or haven’t reviewed this stack?

Jeff: Oh, one of the keys that we really look at first and you kind of already touched on it is simply just looking at the company vision to say, okay, this entrepreneur, this leader has his idea of, okay, where are we trying to get to as a company, but I forget where it was, was a Forbes study or something not too long ago that went in and did basically a study on all those thousand something different employees of a company, and they said basically one in four had some idea of what was going on in the company, that they understood the direction of the company, they understood where they fit, etc. And if you look at it and say, okay, if you’ve got Sally sitting here working in your operations department, and she’s just there to go in and punch a clock, nine to five, in and out kind of a thing, versus you’ve got somebody over here on the other side that is in tune with the company vision, they’re excited about, hey, this is what my job is. This is how it contributes to the company. This is how where we’re going as a company, and this is how I’m helping to facilitate that. That type of employee is going to be a lot more productive for you.

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And obviously, if you can get everybody in the company with that mental attitude, then to your earlier point about blowing the sales, okay, yeah, now we’ve got everybody on the same page because that’s really the key is to say, okay when most people look at the vision they’re looking at, okay, here’s our core values, our core focus of being honest, integrity, all the kind of buzzwords that they go stick on the website. And honestly, forget about at that point, it goes and collects dust out there on the About Us page, and really what vision should be, it starts with that but it goes a lot deeper to say, okay, our vision X, Y, Z IT company here, who are we trying to serve? Are we trying to serve a different certain market? And why are we trying to reach out to them? What makes us special to go reach out to that market? What are our key differentiators for reaching that market? So that way, it’s defined at a company level. And so when marketing is putting together their pitch, sales knows what marketing is doing. Sales can go out and use those same three key differentiators right there and their sales pitch. And that way, the support team, the IT team, the operations team, whatever this delivering the service knows exactly what they’re supposed to deliver. Because if marketing goes off and sells one thing, sales, goes off the rails and sells something else, operations just kind of sitting there left saying how in the heck are we going to deliver this? And everything’s a mess at that point.

Josh: Yeah, and unsatisfied customers are never a good thing to have. And that then makes the whole system crumble down. Like I know, for us, when we first started 13 years ago, the direction that we went was like a lot of people that haven’t read enough personal development books and decided to jump out there with a gung ho awesome attitude, knowing that you can do better than some of the other people out there decide to get the clients to charge a lower price. Wrong move, Josh. What are you doing?

Jeff: That works for a little while.

Josh: That’s right. I’m gonna go back and select teenage Josh, what’s he doing? Idiot, read a book.

Jeff: Yeah, you had to start somewhere.

Josh: That’s right. So when we did that, we had incredible growth, and we bought someone else on and we’re both sitting on 150,000 a year. So we’re both pretty happy before we turned 21. So we’re both pretty pumped if I call myself Batman, and he’s Robin. When Robin had a stroke, and Batman had to pick up the slack. Batman didn’t have enough time. And he says to do that he was too busy saving lives. So that was nearly the collapse of our company. And that came down to all processes at that stage and growing on a price. And when we decided to change that around, exactly like you’re saying, create that differentiator. So now the businesses that we work with, we guarantee that they will have the uptime that we’ve agreed upon. So depending on the business, that could be businesses not down for more than 30 minutes, or for an IT problem not down for four hours, if it’s a smaller business or something like that. And if they go down that guarantee means we pay them per hour at the agreed rate while their business is down. So we want them to be up and running as quickly as possible because there’s no money in us paying them while we’re fixing the problem.

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Jeff: Sure, sure. Yep.

Josh: It just realigns the way and makes sure that our offerings and what you’re saying there perfectly with the team. You want to make sure your team’s pulling in the same direction. We figured as an IT-provider and solutions provider to make sure that we are pulling in the same direction as them. And if we’re charging people per hour when something goes down, they’re already upset with us, and then we’re whacking them with a big invoice. So they just get more upset with us. And we found that the less skilled, less experienced IT companies would take longer to fix the problems, therefore, earn more Empower your teammoney. And we went this doesn’t make any sense. What is going on with this world? Why are we doing this? This doesn’t make any sense at all.

So we changed the model and then let’s flip it on its head, let’s have them be paid when things go down. That’s one of the differentiators that we try to push through in our marketing as well as through our sales. But you’re exactly right. You need to have that thing that we differentiate – It isn’t the price because it’s very easy to see the differences between that and that doesn’t help businesses out. Getting back to what you said you said is Sally’s in the business that may just want to do nothing but the clock in. And it did sound like you want to create the latest mentality throughout the whole company. We have ever been looking at a problem, finding a solution and bringing that to the table for everyone to review and look at as opposed to just being the meat in a seat, so to speak.

Jeff: Definitely you want to empower your team basically give them a reason to come reason that they want to be there a reason that they feel like they’re contributing, and also basically have that almost honesty, integrity, kind of openness in the company such that regardless of what level of the company Sally’s at, if she sees an issue, or has a problem, or whatever, she feels comfortable raising that and everybody’s going to take it seriously kind of a thing.

While, you’ve got to have the structure in the company, and obviously reporting structure hierarchy, stuff like that. You’ve got to be real careful not to make that too rigid, especially in a small company that says, okay, well, you’re at the bottom level, you can’t do anything, just go do your job kind of a thing. You want to encourage that growth, that leadership model there to say, hey, no matter what your role is you’re contributing this is how you fit into our long-term strategy, our long-term vision, this is where you are. And really, I said, empower them, make them feel like they’re part of that so that they can contribute, they feel like they’ve got a worth and value in that company.

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Josh: I know, Dad has always said if you can think of a way a problem can be solved. It’s better to have that solution be found by a staff member. And they will then take ownership over that, and they’ll cradle that and that’ll become their baby, as opposed to even if you know what the solution can be just jamming that down someone’s throat doesn’t necessarily have people care for your solution. But if someone finds that, and then they take that ownership, and they take that pride in what they have found, that they brought to the table, and everyone wins. It’s kind of like inception, you need to try and put that idea into their head, if you’ve got the idea, or work together and have people just started to spring up ideas and have moments.

So we do a half Friday. And normally at the moment, I’m not drinking any beer for six weeks, but we only have a few beers and have a beer meeting, and go through how can we have done this week better? What was your favourite part? What was your least favourite part? And is there any new tools that you’ve seen out there that could help? Were there any special compliments that you had from clients? Was there any particularly difficult client? And then we go through and work out how we can phase that. And then we do a difficult question section, which is where we reflect on each other? And we say, oh, look, I didn’t quite like the way that you said X, Y, Z. Or you could have approached that question that you asked me in a less hasty way, or whatever the case is, just to make sure that you do have a better team, a better family that you’re working with. When you go into businesses, what are the families like? How is the structure that disparity? Is it sometimes like, is there more strength in one arm than there is another say, for instance, they’ve got a fantastic team, but not a very well defined vision? Or is it all over the place?

Jeff: Honestly, I’d say family is the right term to describe it with because you can obviously have some families that are really tight, well-knit together and enjoy being together, working together. And you’ve got other families that you better not put them all at the dinner table because they’re going to be yelling and screaming at each other. Yeah, picking whatever, whatever the discussion is politics or religion, or whatever, they want to go at each other about kind of a thing there. You see it all in both kinds of thing. And a lot of times, that’s really, it’s culture really, from the top of the business.

I see most of the time, that okay, are you going to have that entrepreneurial leader, because if you look at entrepreneurs, the journey, most of the time you’ve been talking about, okay, you and your partner starting off that business, at that point, you start growing out, start growing out. And the question is, are you going to be able to hand off one of those hats that you’re wearing to your new teammates that you brought on? Or are you going to kind of pull and tug on the hat at the same time, they’re trying to take its sit in their back pocket and say, make sure you’re doing this way, make sure you’re following these steps kind of thing, writing over them. At that point, you’re not instilling any kind of trust or any kind of confidence in your team. They’re sitting there looking over their shoulder all the time, saying, okay, am I about to get beaten over this kind of a thing? Am I about to get called out in front of everybody, because this didn’t go exactly the way the owner would have done it kind of a thing? And when you’ve got that kind of mentality with that owner, not being able to delegate, not being able to hand things off, and it just cripples the entire staff right there from an attitude perspective, because honestly, everybody’s sitting there saying, okay, I’m basically ducking the entire time saying, okay, who’s going to be the next one to get on his radar? And be glad that okay, sorry, it’s your turn here to go be in the spotlight, not mine kind of a thing. And it’s like a bad attitude. I’ve seen that in too many companies where the owner is all frustrated himself or herself saying, okay, why is the company not working? I’m having to get down to here in the weeds and do all this stuff. It’s like, you got to realise that okay, delegation is one of the key points of being a successful leader.

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And then really, where really the EOS comes in is, okay, yes, is delegation, but you’ve got to have the processes in place. You’ve got to have the numbers, the metric stuff in a place where if I’ve got a documented process for how we’re going to handle a trouble ticket in an IT business, I can hand that off to my IT support team over here. And as long as my numbers, my dashboards are correct here to say, okay, all tickets are getting handled in less than 30 minutes or whatever our metrics are for our business. Then as a leader, as the CEO, I can step back and actually relax. I don’t have to go stand over that IT tech and sit here and watch the stopwatch. Okay, are you getting done here, you got five minutes left kind of thing. Because I can see the metrics. I know everybody’s following the process. And I don’t have to worry about that anymore. And that’s really the key with these businesses as you’ve got to be able to systematise the business, you got to go put those processes in place. It’s almost kind of counterintuitive to say, we’ve got to put more structure in the business, we’ve got to put more framework more processes in place so that you can relax and have more fun. But most people would look at Delegation is the keythat and say, wait a minute, more structure means rigidity. I take the creativity out of my business, I take the fun out of my business. And it’s actually just the opposite.

Josh: We call it elastic documentation. And in where I’ll be the first to say I’ll create our documentation internally, and I think you have owned that hat so to speak, it’s only fair that you write down how you’ve managed that hat and how that has worked. But once that’s being created, it’s then up to the person or team that has received that hat to then modify it and change it and tweak it as time goes on. And as processes change, as you might find a better way. Because ultimately, I’m just one person that’s walked one direction, but the path you’ve walked in your life, Jeff, is different from my path. And that’s means that the input that you would have would be different. So we make sure that everyone knows that this is the documentation and how it can work, not how it should work. And make sure to have elastic documentation. And as you’re saying, delegation is key. Absolutely. You need to be able to let go and let that bird fly than hold its wings and hold it back. Because if you’ll just tire it out.

Jeff: And really the key with especially when you’re talking about documentation because too many times I’ll see a company say okay, we don’t have enough capacity, we need more resources. So they’ll go hire somebody in. And it’s like, well, jump in, go, Good luck, go figure out your own job, almost kind of a thing. So when you’ve got these processes and stuff like you’re talking figured out, you can go scale-out your helpdesk support team because you’ve got documented processes where somebody’s gonna step into that role, know exactly what they’re supposed to do on day one, it can be productive there rather than spend the next three, four months trying to figure out what their job is or reinvent processes, reinvent things figure out, okay, the previous guy walked out the door and basically took all the knowledge in his head with him. And now what am I supposed to do in my new job? And we’re sitting there as owners paying them to flounder basically, having that kind of system. Again, that kind of structure in place for those people just facilitates that scale and just again, adds economies of scale, right there.

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Josh: Coming back to that first employee, I was talking about, we both just worked together enough to learn how to do it. The second employee after David was Alex, and it took seven months before he became profitable. And I went this is terrible, especially like I had read the E-myth by Michael Gerber. And I thought, okay, I should know to do this, but I got caught in that. Don’t have time to do it. So I haven’t done it. And so I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing until that’s done. And then I’ll never have time to have any fun, which sucks. Yeah, but the moment you have these processes in place, like the E myth, sort of discusses, McDonald’s is run by 14-year olds. It’s a multi-billion dollar business, it’s run by teenagers, really old enough to know how to read the documents that you’ve got in front of them. And it means that you’ve got something to lean back on for KPIs, for everything. Every business should have its processes documented. And sometimes it’s a lot easier to say than it is to do.

Jeff: Definitely is. And one key point about McDonald’s or any kind of place like that, if you go in there as your 14-year-old and say, okay, you’re going to be a new line cook. They don’t hand them a six-inch-thick SAP manual that says, Okay, here’s every single little detail about every single little thing you need to know. They’ve got a laminated sheet there that says step one, step two through step six, this is what you need to follow right here. So to me, that’s where a lot of people get stuck when we talk about processes. It is like, okay, where do I even start, and I’m going to end up working for months building out this huge thing. And then nobody looks at it kind of a system, whereas EOS really pushes the 80/20 approach to say, okay, we’re going to document the top 20% of exactly what you need to know from a high level to go figure this out, rather than dive down and build that entire SOP manual kind of a thing there that nobody does. It doesn’t matter that it’s 100% perfect right upfront. Take a quick pass to say okay, this is what we do every time. This is the high-level points, and we can always go back and refine it agile kind of process but still just make a quick pass at it and get started, rather than sit there and say, hey, there’s no way we can spend months trying to figure all this out, you don’t need much, you just need something quick to get started. And honestly, at that point, let the people doing the job right now fill in the details as needed. But even still, I would say, don’t even, it’s not worth their time your investment to go build that huge manual, you don’t need all those little details. Just make sure you’ve got the flow to where somebody can sit down and figure out okay, I can take these six steps and go cook the hamburger, I can do whatever I need to at a high level right there.

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Josh: Keep it simple, stupid, I think is the case sort of mentality. And keeping it simple. I know if you bought up earlier going to different day seminars and things like that, that they tell you, this is how you change the world with your business just implement this one little thing. And one of them said, I document everything, everything has to be documented. I document where the coffee filters have to be purchased from. What seat I want in an aeroplane. And I’ve got 120, whatever it was, a lot of procedures just around the way that I travel. And I thought, holy shit. I left going, why oh my goodness.

Jeff: At that point, you hire the person on and is still take some six months just to go read all that. Yeah, it’s still why?

Build a concrete systemJosh: It’s just too much I went My goodness. And I thought he must have a huge churn rate in his business. Because if you’ve got a VA, and they’re used to booking tickets for you, and they’re doing what they’re meant to be doing, they already know your preferences. You’ve told them once, they know. If there is, sound like getting away from the documentation thing, but it gets to a level where it’s you don’t need to know that on the plane, you’re going to be ordering this drink first, followed by this many drinks if it’s this many hours long flight, it just becomes too much.

Jeff: It’s definitely too much. But at the same time, there’s a balance between it because for whatever reason, even if you want to scale out, it’s not that you lost your VA, you just need to add a second VA. She doesn’t necessarily or he doesn’t necessarily know all that and having the quick high-level points to say, okay, we prefer this airline, or we prefer middle-level seats, mid seats instead of aisle seats or whatever. It’s just a couple quick bullet points there to say, Okay, this is what our list of preferences are, it doesn’t have to go down to the point of okay, we want a third aisle or third-row only, not fourth row kind of a thing and all that kind of a mess. It’s just okay, here are the couple quick points that we just know, anytime we go book travel, here’s the quick set of preferences that we need to follow. And that just makes that new VA that comes on board, their job, they’re onboarding is so much easier, because they can just say, oh, we need to book travel. Here are the five or so pieces of data that I need to know when I go book travel.

Josh: I agree completely. The way that I kind of work at any process that we do in business, whether it be making documentation, or creating systems comes back to something that my brother told me many years ago. I was in my bedroom as a young teenager building electronic projects. And I said to my brothers and oh look up the one remote control turns the lights on, turns the fan on, turns the TV on, turns DVD player on, turns the computer on, does everything with the one can control.

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Anyway, so I said I’m going to make it to this remote control can also unlock the door and then with an actuator opens up the door and then close the door as well. So that sounds pretty cool. And he’s an engineer 14 years my senior. Yes, that sounds pretty cool. So he said, how long that’s gonna take you to make? Oh, well with these parts, I have to make the PCBs and everything I said it’s probably gonna take me 100 hours 100, 120 hours programming everything else. Okay, cool. Cool. How many times could you have open and close the door in 120 hours? Yep. Okay, I get it. Yep. So the door was never automated. But the lesson learned there was if you’re going to be telling someone something more than once then document it. If you’re going to be telling someone, something many times 100% documented. But if it’s something that’s just very quick, and you’re not going to need to do that process, the same in business, we went automate something unless we know that it’s going to benefit the masses of people. And that’s what it comes down to being sensible, and maybe just writing a list of what would you suggest that maybe a list of 10 or 20 things of processes? Get five things that they do on a daily basis and try to write those down. What would you say is the magic number?

Jeff: I don’t know there’s necessarily a magic number, but it’s definitely just even hitting a one or two kind of a thing to say, okay, let’s just look at this at a high level. But what I would take from what you were just saying, supposed the door was already automated or whatever, you wouldn’t want to write the process that explains exactly how the motor turns and that electrical current comes on to this motor, and then it swings 35 degrees and it pushes here. It’s like no, the process says press the button. That’s all the process needs to say kind of a thing there. So you got to be careful with that’s really what I’m trying to get at is how deep you go. All they need know is press the button right there if you need to go in or out kind of a thing. You don’t need to know how it works. You don’t have to know all that kind of detail at that level. Yeah, to your point, it’s, it’s really just a matter of, obviously one keeping it simple like we talked about, but really just getting started is the biggest thing.

With the EOS implementation, it’s actually typically almost a two-year journey that we look at from initial start to really calling mastery at that point of all the tools and the processes. And it’s just literally, it starts out actually month to month, but then goes to more of a quarterly basis. But the idea is just to start doing something, getting one or two of those tools and start getting some muscle memory basically built with that. And that’s really where you got to start with any of this stuff, it is just okay. Again, keeping it simple, but just get started with something. Pick up a piece and move forward with it.

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That’s really the whole premise behind the system, it’s just simplicity. Because even going all the way back the first we were talking vision, at one point, I was working with a branding coach on one company I was working with, and I got this huge document on all the different logos, the colour styles, the fonts, everything was all laid out, it was just this big old thing here. It’s like, okay, this is just the brand that doesn’t even talk about anything else. And when we talked to a company about establishing your vision, it’s not again, some master plan that you got to bring in all these consultants on it’s Focus on the mission and vissionliterally two pages. It’s eight questions that we go through, it’s two pages. It’s entrepreneurial, keep it simple, keep it basic, because again, same as the process is if you get in too deep, you start getting too big. Everybody freezes up and nothing gets done, or else it gets over-done and it’s never used kind of a thing.

Josh: Well, I think there’s going to be a lot of listeners out there that have heard a lot of what we’ve been talking about, and probably looking at ways to get this implemented. And at least some consulting. I understand you’ve got, there is some bits and pieces such as a quick 20 question checkup?

Jeff: Yeah, there’s actually three different things on that page. The EOS system itself is built around six different key areas that we say, okay, if you strengthen those six key areas, basically all your issues fall into those buckets. So that’s where that checkup comes in is, like I said, a 20 question checkup, they’re just kind of measures how strong you are. And those six key areas. And we’ll actually utilise that through the implementation journey to say, okay, here’s where we started, here’s where we are now kind of a thing to other resources on that page are actually. Two of the EOS books, there’s a whole, honestly, a whole library pretty much about EOS, but the traction book, literally lays out the entire system. You’ve got all the tools in that one book right there. So if you want to just pick up the book, read it yourself, go through it yourself, more power to you kind of a thing. The difference really is that I build myself or it was more of a coach and facilitator, I’m not a consultant, I’m not going to come in and do EOS for you. My role is to come in here and be that third-party working with you on that book. So we’re still working from that book from those materials. So you can very easily if you’re just curious right now the first chapter’s free up there on that website slash resources, grab the traction or the Get a Grip book, either one right there. And then other resources, simply just if you’re curious, or you got questions about any of that, just send me an email at And I’m always open for questions always opened up to help anywhere I can there.

If you need assistance with your automation, talk to a dork. Fill out the form below to book a free one-hour consultation.

Josh: Cool. Well, we’ll make sure to check this in the description there for the podcast over on the blog for us. And so everyone can definitely jump in there. I’m actually looking at jumping into doing the organisational checkup. Why not? Why not? It’s only 20 questions. What’s the harm?

Jeff: We’re going to get another set of data point for you.

Josh: Exactly. Well, I’ve only got one other question for you. And that is, you’ve probably already answered the question, to be completely honest. But if there was to be one book that you think that anyone should be reading to be doing better in their business, what would that be? I think I already know the answer.

Jeff: You’re looking at two of them right there. It really is. It was because honestly, I’ve been doing I’ve done a number of businesses myself, I’ve been doing this kind of stuff for 15 plus years, too many I wouldn’t want to count at that point. But it’s it really was almost just a complete lightbulb moment when I first saw Traction, because I’ve been through so many businesses, getting frustrated with clients just you’ve got to get the foundation the business together. Because we were talking earlier about technology and stuff like that. It’s like it doesn’t matter how good the technology is if you don’t have the foundation there, and it just really hit me when I was first introduced to Traction. I’m not trying to sell I really do and it’s not even my book, it’s somebody else. Gino Whitman’s the one that wrote it kind of thing. I don’t get any credit on it. But it’s still it’s just that from an entrepreneurial standpoint is just one of those books that just really the lightbulb kinds of content comes on. And the other book is called Get a Grip and it’s right there in parallel. But basically what that book is fictional in quotes, a narrative about actually implementing EOS into a technology company, or all type of companies. But still, it’s one of those that Yeah, we didn’t write this with any one particular person in mind. But sure, yeah. But yeah, if you prefer more of the fictional side, then the technical implement the side of the tool, but they complement each other really well right there. I’ve read them both multiple times, and like I said the first chapter on both. I was free right there on the website. But honestly, those are the two books that from a business perspective I’d be diving into pretty quick right there.

Josh: Sweet. Well, is there any other questions that you had for me?

Jeff: I don’t think so at this point. Like I said, technology’s always kind of my thing I just I know exactly where you’re coming from there all the terminology and everything. But it’s a fun world. But I just try to emphasise especially now being on this side of it, there’s like, okay, it’s a great tool to help improve productivity, help make things better if you got the foundation laid right, and getting that foundation is really key because I’ve seen too many times trying to implement technology to fix underlying problems. And it just can’t do that really.

Josh: We definitely find you have “technology problems”, then you have people problems, and you shouldn’t be trying to fix people problems with technology. It’s been fantastic having on the show there, Jeff. And if anyone has any questions, you can definitely jump across to the or ask at Is that correct?

Jeff: That’s correct. Yep. Or you can email me anytime.

Josh: Awesome. Sweet. So definitely jump across there. If you have liked this episode, head over to iTunes and leave us some love. Give us some feedback. And everyone stays healthy out there in podcast land.


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02:22 28 Nov 24
I am very Satisfied with the services provided by Dorks; the teams are highly responsive and supportive.
Eleanor Swanepoel
08:38 19 Nov 24
The Dorks got me into my system after it was locked out and the device destined for landfill. Having worked with the Dorks team for 4 years, I have always found them responsive, helpful and diligent. Thoroughly recommend!
Trent Marshall
03:33 15 Nov 24
Josh and the entire Dorks team could not be any more professional, helpful, friendly and knowledgeable if they tried. Time and time again they were patient and went above and beyond to resolve numerous complicated IT issues for myself and my team, at all hours of the day and night. I recommend them to all size and scale of businesses, as no problem is too large for the Dorks! Thanks again Josh and I wish you and the team every success in work and in life.
Meg Dennis
21:27 08 Nov 24
There are very few organisations that have a service culture of going above and beyond. Josh Lewis, Dorks founder did that this week with myself and several peers, helping us through a difficult IT situation. Dorks Managed IT Services are relationship grounded, solution oriented and outcomes based. They are outstanding in their sector.
Meenakshi Vivek
06:46 08 Nov 24
I had the pleasure of speaking with Joshua from Dorks on an IT issue outside of their scope, and I couldn't be more impressed. He went above and beyond to not only resolve my problem quickly on late Friday afternoon but also was very friendly and supportive. His dedication to ensuring everything was working perfectly, truly stood out. Highly recommend Joshua Lewis @Dorks for anyone needing reliable and expert IT assistance!Thank you so much Josh!
Mark Mathews
02:16 15 Aug 24
I've been a client of Dorks Delivered for many years and for good reason! They are so easy to deal with, value for money, host and manage my website, provide office software at discounted rates, easily fix website issues etc. A seamless and easy IT company to deal and communicate with that I highly recommend for all your IT needs.
john aguiflor
03:59 05 Dec 23
Definitely a dream work place!
The Irrigation Shop
02:52 28 Nov 23
These Dorks are fantastic. Always ready to solve any problem we have. Cyber-security, hardware, even tips on marketing. Josh is always approachable and friendly, and the team are top-notch!
Rob Swanson
21:25 27 Nov 23
Dorks has helped get our company IT needs on track and streamlined. They are easily contactable when problems occur and are quick to get you back up and running!
Rimas Veselis
16:55 27 Nov 23
Always extremely helpful!
Mark Ong
02:00 27 Nov 23
The best organisation I've work with so far. All staff are hands-on and they will understand your business in order to support you the best way possible. They are the partners you need for any kind of tech solutions. I love that they are open to two-way feedback and will let you know if something is realistic or not and what is the best solution to move forward given the circumstances. It is no surprise that they come highly recommended for me.
Ben Rayner
01:28 27 Nov 23
Very happy to recommend Dorks Delivered with Teck support etc, we worked together for over 10 years and have all issues resolved promptly.Thanks Team Dorks
Tim Nelson
01:04 20 Nov 23
A refreshing company to manage my IT requirements. Over and above service, and always coming to me with new ideas and concepts
Louise Bedford
03:10 28 Aug 23
Joshua Lewis is a super star. Generous of spirit, skilled as an interviewer, and gifted with the ability to see exactly what people need - I'm sure you'll enjoy dealing with Dorks Delivered.
Dave Abbot
09:08 09 Aug 23
Absolute guns in the industry. Trustworthy reliable and brutally honest.
Tanner Anderson
07:24 04 Aug 23
Working with the team at Dorks is always a pleasure!
Bryan Nillos
00:21 03 Aug 23
Great place and great people to work with. The best MSP, value for money!
04:28 02 Aug 23
I strongly endorse Dorks Delivered for their outstanding Managed IT Services! With a proactive and reliable team, they provide round-the-clock support and top-notch cybersecurity, making them an invaluable partner for achieving business success.
Mark Pope
05:26 06 Jul 23
Definitely talk to Josh Lewis and the Dorks about your managed IT needs. Apart from being smart and having a great team, I have found him to be genuinely concerned about his clients, coming up with the best advice that suits their needs.
Cameron Quin
03:52 05 Jul 23
Honestly, our business wouldn't survive without them. Josh and his team just know everything and I have peace of mind when it comes to the uptime. Of my business. And they give awesome little freebies!!
Adrian Peterson
23:49 25 Apr 23
We recently transferred our I.T. needs to Dorks Delivered and they have been fantastic. The response times, ease of accessibility to them and their understanding of our needs have been brilliant. It's been a complete 180 degree shift from our previous vendor Mercury I.T. We are so pleased with the change and would happily recommend Dorks Delivered to other businesses.

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