This Is What Porn Does to Your Brain

effect of porn on brain

effect of porn on brainDoes Porn Rot Your Brain?

Does porn rot your brain? It’s an interesting question. We have been asked it, so we’re going to answer it. In my opinion, porn does rot your brain to an extent. If you look into anything, and look at anything too much, it’s not good, it’s not healthy and it gives unrealistic expectations.


Unrealistic Expectations

If you’re looking at things that are very dominating, which happens to be like that in porn for some reason, you get this weird expectation, you go, “Oh, I don’t know, I don’t know. Is this how women work? Is this how men work?” Especially for a younger male. They get this weird thing, “Maybe this is how women are meant to look. Maybe this is how women are meant to act.”

It’s surprising how many women are now watching porn and thinking the same things. It’s like the chicken and the egg, but we already know which way that went, and now we’ve got women looking at porn going, “This is how I’m meant to act. That’s where it’s meant to go.” Google the word porn and anything you’ve every heard of, and it will come up with something disgusting in Google. But, don’t! You’ll get a virus.

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Porn and Disney Movies

Porn has a lot of obscure similarities to Disney movies. You look at a Disney movie and you look at what women are made to feel and men are supposed to be their saving grace; you’re meant to come in on a horse. Out of all the other characters in the film, you’re the one that’s brought to the foreground while all the others are marginalised. In a Disney movie, the hero gets the girl, and the girl gets a hero. They’re always drop-dead gorgeous, they’re always princes, or knights, or whatever they’re doing, they’re always something awesome.

Then women go, “I want my prince, I want this, I want this perfect happily ever after story.” Sadly, it doesn’t exist. You have to work for it, and you have to make sure that you’re doing the best thing that you can do in your relationship and being the best person to be in a relationship by working together.

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Don’t Let Your Relationship Fail

The reason why so many relationships nowadays fail, in my opinion, is because people are not their best selves. People are throwing things away. We’re in a throw-away society. You have a mobile phone, you have it for two years, you throw it out. Did it work? Yes. Threw it out, got a new one. Why? Because that’s what the image that I’m trying to represent shows.

I’m wearing a shirt that I got for six dollars from Best and Less, and it’s relaying the image that I want: I’m a cheap arse. It’s relaying the image that I want: simplicity, purity without going over the top with extravagant brands and everything else. So many people just buy and throw away, buy and throw away. Relationships are all the same nowadays.

You swipe to get a girl. You swipe to get a guy.

You swipe up if you really think that they’re fly.

And then, you’re going through talking, and you go, “Oh I guess they’re alright.”

And then you catch up, maybe just for the night,

And then you leave and jump on a flight,

Or go to the park and fly a kite.

And maybe you thought that night was alright.


But just maybe you shouldn’t have. It’s all an instant gratification thing. It’s a thing where we’re trying to get things straightaway, right now. We’re not looking to fix our current relationships, and the relationships that people are getting into are shallow.


Missing or Too Much Romance

Getting back to the porn thing, the way that women are treated and men are treated in porn, marginalising all of the romance and the spiritual connections that you can have. All of the beautiful, great things that it is to be in a relationship are just thrown out the window in porn. It’s completely a mechanical, physical thing that a lot of the time is very degrading. Disney movies, exactly the same as that. They might show romance, but they are over-the-top with romance. They’re not showing any physical behaviour, but they’re prioritising romance to such a degree that women are never happy with the thing that they’ve got.

The Final Word

Everyone needs to just sit down and be cool, calm, and collected with the person that’s meant to be their best friend, and talk about it. Try to not watch porn anymore, and try to become realistic with the Disney movies. Try, next time you’re watching them, to see the similarities between the two. Do some research on Walt Disney, and be careful with what you find there. I just had to tell you, but there’s a lot of similarities there. So, does porn rot your brain? Absolutely, but so do Disney movies. Stay good.



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