How Does a Network Security Audit Work?

network security auditor

network security auditorIs Your Organisation Vulnerable to Cyberattacks?

Network security should be a priority of business owners, especially with the recent cyberattacks in Australia. Without implementing robust security measures and protocols, organisations could become vulnerable to cyberattacks and lose important data. Avoid this mistake by getting a network security audit! It’s one of the best ways to ensure that your company’s network is in good shape.

What Comprises a Network Security Audit?

IT security auditors go through all aspects of your information technology systems. They measure how well each part conforms to the standards and perform regular audits. These audits also help align your business information security to the current standards and protocols, minimising reputational risk.

Information security audits are based on the industry-accepted standards as well as legal requirements particular to the country. While the specific methods of the IT audit may change from one managed security provider to another, some basic steps remain the same. Here are the common items on an IT audit checklist:

Device and Platform Identification

The first step is identifying all of the assets in your network, as well as the operating systems used. It helps ensure that any and all network security threats have been identified.

Security Policy Review

After the device and platform identification stage, the IT auditors also review all of your company’s security policies and procedures. Their job is to check whether your policies match the standards required to effectively protect your information technology system.

Security Architecture Review

Once the auditors have assessed your documented policies, their next step is to analyse the actual controls and technologies that you have in place. Reviewing your security architecture will allow them to give you a more in-depth analysis of your cybersecurity measures.

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Risk Assessment

During a network security audit, the auditors will also need to identify threats to your system and determine their potential impact. Once they’ve determined what your risks are, the information will be used to provide detailed suggestions on how to minimise cyberattack risks and how to protect your valuable data.

Firewall Configuration Review

IT security auditors will also want to review your firewall. They will check your firewall’s topology, management procedures, and configuration. Additionally, network security auditors will want to check whether your firewall is up to date with the latest patches.

Penetration Testing

This serves a kind of stress test for your network’s security architecture. To find previously undiscovered issues, the testers will try to “break” your network security architecture. After the audit is complete, they will provide you with a detailed report that tells you about what they’ve found.

The Final Word

Having a vulnerable network can pose a significant risk to your business, your clients, and your reputation. To keep your network in good shape, get a network security audit. It can help you uncover problems with your system and arrive at the most effective solutions.



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