Internet speed? New Zealand is kicking our ass!
New Zealanders are making the right choice with their internet speeds now becoming upwards of 20 times the speeds of what we have as an average in Australia. It is widening the gap and limiting what us, Aussies, can achieve.
Australian Internet Speeds Are So Slow
In the time it takes to fly to NZ and back for some legit Fush and Chups, you can download every current season of Game Of Thrones in crisp as quality. To put this in perspective for our Aussie connections, if you drove your car at 100 kph nonstop and aimed to go around the entire perimeter of Australia, you would be back home before the download would be complete. For years, we have been told our far spread nation limits the “speed” of how “fast” we can unroll the network. But this is simply untrue given the population difference and our areas of density versus our East Australian counterparts with a similar flag.
Check out this short video to learn more about Internet speed tests.
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We Need Better Internet Infrastructure
The biggest issue we face is we’re trying to copy the big boy countries that have a decent Internet infrastructure. We want all the mod cons with Cloud this and offsite that, but our Australian network does not allow for the same quality of service that you would want to run a business on. A lot of people check internet outages in my area every day.
The internet service providers (ISPs) know this! In fact, most of them do not back their NBN connections with any business-level service agreement. While this is most upsetting for us Aussies, there is little we can do about it.
Who Are the Best ISPs in Australia
Now that we know all the gloom and doom of our tin can internet, let’s look at what we can do about it and who the best ISPs are right now. As much as you might not have expected this, Optus is actually the faster choice for fixed lines in Australia, while Telstra takes the cake for Mobile with Vodafone coming in second for your cat videos on the go.
This is a national result and your mileage may vary. The best you can do is make sure you are with an ISP that gives you the best speed in your area. You can do a lookup using tools like ADSL2 Exchanges. It works for all fixed ADSL and NBN connections.
The Final Word
At the moment, New Zealanders will still be able to order their new pair of Jandals faster than you can order your chips. I guess this shows that besides GST, maybe there are a few other pages we need to be taking from their book.