How to Have a Creative Rapport With Your Customers

corporate IT solutions

Running a business can stink! Some people are extroverted natural talkers, some are introverted, detail-oriented amazing workers. To have stratospheric success in business you need to articulate and able to be both, you need to be comfortable to have a CRAP with your customers. This book teaches you how to step away from your throne, out of the shadows and become the person who listens to what your customers want, delivers on the promises and do it in a way that doesn’t feel unnatural and grows your business at the same time.

Building a relationship takes time, effort and energy. You cannot buy it with money. As an entrepreneur or a business owner, you know that building a customer relationship is really important for the success of your venture. But how do you set up a rapport with your customer? To build a close and harmonious relationship, you will have to think creatively. Having an amazing rapport with your customer is the best way to understand their wants, needs, and requirements. This, in turn, helps you make a better decision for your client and a more useful product for everyone.

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Building Creative Rapport With Your Customers

Running a business is hard work, but what makes it all worthwhile are happy customers. Happy customers are those who feel connected to the brand, staff, process and ultimately, the business. To build this connection you have to work really hard. So here are a few things which help you start becoming a rapport ninja!

1. Expand Your Network 

First and foremost, building a rapport with just a few customers can be detrimental. You need to cast your net wide. Reaching out to more people can be achieved through better advertising campaigns, social media and brand awareness campaigns. The key to remember is that your network is not just your direct customers. It also includes your employees, their families, business partners, professional acquaintances, contractors, association members etc. Don’t limit yourself. The more you reach out the bigger your network will become. Even if you are a small company a big network will help you build a good reputation. It’s not just about casting a wide net, you need to really connect with your network and understand their needs.

2. Exceed Expectations

When you do something, do it to the best of your ability. Exceeding expectations will impress your customers. To begin with, don’t promise the moon. Be realistic and promise to deliver what is be expected. Where possible it is always better to deliver over and above what you promised, even building this into the process. This should be done at no extra cost to the customer. Sometimes exceeding expectations can be as simple as faster completion of work, quicker delivery of the product, process improvement or producing something that is better quality. There are no hard and fast rules here, what matters is delivering the best time and again.

3. Build Trust

Building trust

Until you succeed in building trust you cannot gain customer loyalty. Remember that trust works both ways. Have some faith and give others a chance to prove that they are worth depending upon. At the same time, you have to build your reputation so that your company’s name itself inspires confidence. Building trust is not a one-time activity. It is an ongoing process. Time and again delivering on what you promise makes the customer confident in your offerings and ultimately, to trust you. This trust helps set good vibes about your business. In turn, it forms a solid basis for having a creative rapport with your customer.

4. Communicate Often

Communication is not just about intimations. It also doesn’t mean that you call up your customers every day to wish them a good morning. That is plain creepy! Communication means letting all concerned people know about any changes in the product, announcing new offers and taking feedback. Communication makes the customer feel important. It makes them feel that the company is actually interested in knowing their thoughts and work on them. This initiates customer loyalty which makes for good and lasting relationships. Proactively asking customers what they love about your product, why they work with you and ensuring you take that information on board and shape it gives them a feeling of ownership over the direction of your offerings. It also keeps them knowing that your offerings have been designed with them in mind.

5. Reward Loyal Customers

As an entrepreneur, you have to acknowledge your loyal customers. Reward them with a bonus offer or offer them special discounts and packages. This appreciation goes a long way in inspiring others to be loyal as well. In the long run, you improve rapport with new customers and build old relationships stronger. Loyalty programs are used by many businesses in order to spread the outreach of the brand and inspire customers to keep coming back.

6. Work to Suit Their Needs

If your business is service-oriented, you have to pay special attention here. Work for each customer individually so that your work suits their style. Do not make the mistake of forcing your service on the customer without tweaking it to suit their needs. If you don’t, you will only end up having them walk away. Embrace their requirements and tailor make your service to suit them. The customer will feel happy, important and valued. This is a great way to build customer rapport.

A Few Quick Tips

When communicating with a customer, keep the following in mind:

  • Speak politely.
  • Be respectful.
  • Don’t jump to conclusions.
  • Let the customer rant before speaking.
  • Be positive in approach.
  • When it comes to formality be flexible. Take your cues from the customer.
  • Don’t put the customers on hold for long.
  • Don’t make the mistake of implying things.
  • Always end on a high note.

The Final Word

In business, cutthroat competition exists. Those who fail to build rapport with the customer land up as failures. While those who consistently work on improving their relationships succeed. At no point in time should you make the mistake of thinking that it doesn’t matter what the customer wants. Always remember that your business runs because of the customers. Never undermine and overlook their importance. Creatively working to have a healthy rapport with your customers is your stepping stone to success.


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