How Will Hybrid IT Transform Your Business?

How Will Hybrid IT Transform Your Business

What Is Hybrid IT and How Will It Transform Your Business?

There is a race that is occurring between companies all around the world to compete and excel in their digital transformation. Using the public cloud has seen exponential growth in recent years, mainly due to its scalability. Its limitless flexibility and minor capital investment have presented businesses with a new option to move away from traditional data centres.

Although it sounds great, if we’re being honest it isn’t all that rosy. Many organisations had to abandon their cloud migration because of various security issues. All types of work are also not ready to operate solely on the cloud. Despite this, there is an answer. Hybrid IT. Read on to understand what is hybrid IT and more importantly how hybrid IT will transform your business.


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What Is Hybrid IT?

why migrate to hybrid itHybrid IT is getting the best of both worlds to use modern and traditional IT resources. Hybrid IT is a technique that allows companies to make use of both in-house and cloud-based services so as to complete their entire IT framework. A hybrid IT environment will permit businesses to use a part of the public or private cloud for a portion of their IT resources and use in-house, traditional data centres for the resources which they want to keep under their strict control.

Hybrid IT is also referred to as hybrid cloud and a technique hybrid IT is still evolving.  It is difficult to say whether the same hybrid environment can be applied to all organisations. The difference comes from the fact that everybody is not equally comfortable using the cloud due to the difference in business types. So what most organisations do is that they don’t rely completely on the cloud. Instead, they keep a majority, or at least some of the IT resources in-house, away from prying eyes.


Why Migrate to Hybrid IT?

Now that you know what is hybrid IT, let us move on to the next question. What is the need to migrate to hybrid IT and will it really transform my business? Before answering this question let us be clear on one thing – at no point of time should technology take precedence over business. You have to always put the needs of the business before technology.

There are many challenges in maintaining the traditional IT structure. For example, old technology is hard to scale, shadow IT is always at work in the background without any knowledge to the stakeholders and processes are broken resulting in frequent disruptions and delays. Most importantly, there is always a lack of space and the cost of maintaining a huge network of IT resources is extremely expensive. Migrating to hybrid IT will help solve these problems and be very cost-effective in doing so.


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Benefits of Hybrid IT

  • Transforming Internal IT – Until the invention of the cloud, internal IT did not see much in terms of innovation and digital leadership. It was just a cost centre offering support and maintenance. Hybrid IT has forced internal IT into a role of prominence. It is now synonymous with innovation, advancements and unique strategic solutions that help organisations grow more effectively. Today, IT has become one of the major business drivers. The shift in technology architectures has resulted in better utilisation of IT resources, which until now was not the case. Hybrid IT has given internal IT a fresh outlook and a new dimension which drives the goals of the organisation or business that it serves.
  • Minimising Shadow IT – Due to the limitations of internal IT, systems and setups were developed inside companies which had no proper authorisation. These solutions might have served the purpose but they could have been a security threat as they failed to conform to the business requirements where reliability, control, and documentation were needed. Hybrid IT does away with the need for shadow IT. In fact, shadow IT has now become the foundation for potential solutions and technological innovations in the IT framework.
  • Helps Attain Functional Excellence – In terms of work, hybrid IT has resulted in businesses achieving functional excellence quickly and efficiently. Previously maintaining the internal value-chain was seen to be a very challenging task. This was mainly due to the fact that there was no concrete way in which the employee’s ability to play a strategic role could be guaranteed. Hybrid IT has helped to overcome this problem by assigning roles and tasks which have tremendously increased employee efficiency. The value chain is now more refined and enriched.
  • Scalability – Having a mix of cloud and in-house IT allows organisations to spread out and pull back the IT resources as they need. This way they have more control over processes and any related data. Everything that is not sensitive can be moved to the public cloud at a relatively small cost. All that needs to be kept safe can be kept in-house with backups on a private cloud. This way hybrid IT performs a dual purpose of acting as an effective backup and also as a storehouse of all such software which is needed on and off. When the need arises businesses can purchase more cloud space to accommodate all their requirements while keeping their in-house data centres secure.

Transforming for a Better Future

If you want to keep your IT costs low and systems secure, this is the answer to all your prayers. Hybrid IT is the future. If you want to keep your IT costs low and systems secure, this is the answer to all your prayers. The most important aspect is to find that mix of traditional hosting and cloud services that serve all your requirements. This integration of services will allow you to look at your business and its various processes from diverse angles. In the end, IT can serve the organisation only if it knows the customers. For the success of your business, it is necessary to make sure that IT supports the users and does not act independently. Hybrid IT brings a horde of opportunities to your door, it’s up to you to grab them and make the most of it.

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