How to Create Content for Your Website Fast

How to Create and Optimise Content for Your Website Fast

Don’t Have Time for Writing Content for Your Website?

Last week, we shared with you The Best Free Source of Useful Content for Your Website. The more content, the better. If you’re adding more content to your website, you’re going to be getting more website traffic. Blogging at least once a month, writing about 750 words per article, would be the minimum. And then we asked: why don’t we put more content up? We know that it’s going to make our business better, but we still don’t do it. And the main reason is we are time-poor. 

Want to create useful, unique content for your website? Talk to a Dork for free.

Otter: Recorder and Transcriber

We don’t have time to write content, right? No one has time. We’re all busy. Business owners are out there running their asses off, trying to make sure that they’re doing what they’re meant to be doing the Voodoo that they do. 

Fortunately, there are enough tools out there that let you automate a lot of the processes. An example is a tool called Otter.

Otter is a fantastic tool that I’m using right now on my mobile phone. It records and transcribes what I’m saying. It can then be checked over by an assistant or a virtual assistant to make sure it’s perfect. You’ve then got what you’ve just said written down. So you’re one step through the loop and you can be doing that just by simply clicking a button.

In Griffith University Entrepreneurship Seminar Series, Joshua Lewis used Otter while he was speaking. The recorded audio was transcribed by Otter and then proofread by a virtual assistant and the content was published in a blog and turned into a podcast. So he wasn’t just speaking to people in the room; he’s also created content that goes into iTunes and Spotify so he’s also speaking to over a thousand listeners. All that’s done with a click of the record button on his phone.

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Hiring an SEO Specialist 

Making sure that you create the content that people are listening to is important. Making sure it’s easy to do doesn’t mean you will do it. 

Once you’ve got the spoken word on paper, it’s very easy for someone to spin that into the written word and make it bullet points. Put in the heading tags and bits and pieces that you need to make sure it’s optimised for search engines. 

That’s something that as a business owner you shouldn’t be bothering to do. That’s something that you have someone that’s specialised to do that. Someone that knows what they’re doing about marketing and SEO to make sure that the words are geared around that.

How to Create and Optimise Content for Your Website Fast

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Writing About Your Brand

Now sometimes when you’re doing these sort of things, you have to become a character. Sometimes you have to put on your special magic glasses and when you’re looking around at everyone, you’re going, ‘Okay, I’ve got these glasses on now this means I’m a new character.’

You’re doing the voodoo that you do and going to create that content. And who doesn’t want to be up in front of a video camera talking? Who wouldn’t want to be where I am right now? 

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It’s difficult to do that, but sometimes you have to just put a pair of glasses on and say, ‘Okay, this is now the new me and this is the person that’s going to be talking and promoting my brand and my business.’ 

If you’re not going to talk about your brand and your business and you should be the most passionate person about it, no one else is going to. And if you’re there with a fantastic product or a fantastic service and you don’t have a voice, there won’t be any ears for it to hear. It makes it absolutely pointless.  

So even if you have to put on a pair of magic glasses and go and talk to a bunch of people and talk online to an invisible audience, it doesn’t matter because ultimately it’ll bring people in and that’s what you want.

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You want more traffic coming to your website and you want more traffic coming through any of your social media posts and you want to make sure that you’re keeping your current customers engaged with the content you’re creating.

Many times, we see the content that we’ve had people create and even the content for ourselves internally, we end up finding out that there are people that we worked with years and years ago are really engaging with our current content. And that sparked conversation to bring them back on as clients, which is fantastic because you want to make sure that you’re making a difference with what you’re doing with your content and it is engaging with your customers.

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An accountant talks to people who come to him to ask all sorts of questions about tax and minimising risk and what not. Their most common question is, ‘How much can you do it for?’ If it’s only the money side of things, it makes it a very difficult conversation because there’s always going to be someone that’s cheaper than you and it makes it very, very difficult. For content, he needed to find out what the thing is that people are driving into his door. They could be wondering if a setup is better being a trust or being a company, how they can make sure that they’re removing any risk for me personally when setting up a company, etc. These sort of questions can be used for creating original content, not just copied and pasted from the ATO website. 

So it’s not necessarily about your potential leads coming in. It’s about the already-tried-and-trusted A-grade clients that you resonate well with now that have already come to know and love what you do regardless of the price.

Create Content for Your Website

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What NOT to Do When Creating Content

One of the things you definitely don’t want to do is plagiarise. They’re right onto it. It’s the silly no point. 

If you’re able to create your own unique content that’s putting your brand on it and it allows for you to be the person that you want to be. 

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Should You Turn to Firms That Write Articles?

There are firms that specifically write articles. But the problem with those firms is those same articles are used between multiple places and when those articles are used, there’s another website called Copyscape, which is only touching on a tiny bit of what Google would do to know that the article is being plagiarised or has been used more than once. And so you don’t get the search engine benefit. 

It needs to be stuff that you’re creating that is new and engaging. It can’t be something that is being spun from one office and then being sent out and syndicated across multiple websites.

Create your own content but speed up the process. Get tips from a Dork!

You need to make sure that the content is your own. The more unique the content, the better it is. The Google algorithm monitors if your content is plagiarised or not and sort of brings it up higher if it’s original. The originality of the content matters.

It’s the same in universities. If you were to hand in an assignment that someone else had written last year, your professor would be able to tell what you did. Even if you change the name, a few different details, your professor would go, ‘This looks about 60% similar.’

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Google is ruthless. They’re not going to look at the mistakes. They’re going to look for the victories and just sort of run with that. They don’t have the time to talk to a little business owner like any of us in the room, sadly, but once you’ve got the content there, if you know you’re creating it yourself, there shouldn’t be too many mistakes that can be made and that’s what it comes down to. 

You need to just know that the content that you’re creating is unique and whether or not that is through a podcast or through a blog or through a YouTube video or any other medium, you want to make sure that is unique. Everyone’s got these fantastic devices in their pocket which allow for you to record audio or video and it really, really make a difference with what you can do.

Even if you don’t like standing in front of a camera and recording. As I said, you put on some funky glasses. There we go. Still happening over there, put on some funky glasses and you’re able to transform into a person that can talk. And the best thing is it’s so forgiving. We’re not recording on 35 millimetres and having to use hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of film. We’re recording on something that is 100% forgiving.

Create Content for Your Website

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What to Do Once You Have Content

Once you’ve got that done, you can then schedule out all the different posts and have it so that you’ve just got this drip-feed of content that’s going onto your website, which you can then have that same content be pushed out through any of these different social media channels and I would strongly suggest to not have every single social media channel being pushed with the same content because regardless of where you’re at, your business will resonate differently with different social media channels.

People who are going to be buying your product on LinkedIn may very well not be the same people who are buying your product on Facebook or through a Google search. 

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When someone searches on Google, they know what they want. They know enough about what they want to say. When people search for something on LinkedIn, normally they’re searching for an ex-employer or someone that they’ve met somewhere, so it’s not necessarily the same relationship. So you just need to change the content around.

But a beautiful thing happens after you’ve created content. And you’ve created lots and lots of content. Just a number of questions can create lots and lots of content very quickly. 

Once you’ve created all this content, you can create the customer’s journey, the buyer’s journey, where you’re able to then gear that content directly towards exactly the persona of the person who’s buying it. 

This article is based on a special podcast episode that features Joshua Lewis’s presentation on content curation for the Griffith University Entrepreneurship Seminar Series. Joshua automates things. He goes into businesses and makes sure they’re running as best as they possibly can through putting in processes and procedures that ultimately drive more income to their bottom line. 

If you want to learn more about automation or content curation, get in touch with Joshua! Fill out the form below to get a callback.

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