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The Key to Stay Ahead of Your Competitors

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The Most Important Key to Stay Ahead of Your Competitors


Can you believe we’re 10 days into the new year? It happened so quickly. I’m a stronger believer that life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.

Quite seriously, if you haven’t watched the last video, it’s really important to do so, so you know how to do some planning and stuff like that. If you have, awesome. If you started planning, awesome. If you haven’t, that’s cool too. Just remember, don’t just jump in gung-ho cause it’s the new year.

My father taught me “prior planner prevents piss poor performance.”

That’s right, six Ps. I find this is something I live by. As someone who has his own business, and has for many years, you need to plan for these things and you need to set priorities as to what’s more important and what’s less important. If you’re not back at work, you still have this optimum opportunity where you’ve got lots of available time where you can be planning these sort of things and making sure that you are getting a step ahead of your competitors.


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